Greg Hellings wrote:
So how do we label them?  "<verse osisRef="Dan.3.77"
canonical="not-considered-by-Protestants-as-such">"?  Because the
reason that they're in that version is because they're probably
considered canonical by someone.

Just to qualify what I said previously about the purpose of the canonical attribute: it's intended to identify the canonicity of a segment within the work--according to the translator or whatever authority is caretaker of the text. The canonical attribute has only two valid values: 0 or 1. 1 is for Bible text. 2 is for stuff like notes & titles (aside from Psalm titles).

Thus Psalm titles are canonical, regardless of whether they are numbered verse 1 or not. Apocryphal books are always canonical, regardless of how apocryphal they may be considered. So 1Macc is canonical in any Bible that includes it and no consideration is given to its deuterocanonical status in Catholic Bibles. Laodiceans is canonical in the Vulgate. Odes is canonical in the LXX. The prologue to Sirach is canonical wherever Sirach appears. Etc.


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