On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 5:37 AM, Barry Drake <bdr...@crosswire.org> wrote:
> Hi there ......
> Peter von Kaehne wrote:
>> We should though make clear - once BT is released - that there are three
>> flagship applications on Windows and that BibleCS is not anymore unique.
> I still feel it ought to be flagged as no longer current.  I'm going back to
> when I was woking on the NET modules.  BibleCS handled them badly, and still
> does.  I recommended at that time that BibleDesktop was the preferred
> frontend for NET and put a link to that frontend on the NET web site.  That
> is still the case.

I've had problems with BibleCS and the ESV as well, which I would rank
higher in importance than the NET.  Must have a look at that again and
find out why.


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