Jonathan Morgan wrote:
On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Troy A. Griffitts
<> wrote:
Congratulations guys!!! This is great news!  Our Windows users now have
choices 4+ choices!   We're really going to have to redo our CD autorun
splash to present these choices to our users.

This is now the time to consider again removing the unsupported "Sword
for Windows", which is condemned by many and misleads many about the
potential of the Sword platform because it appears to be the official
(and thus the "best") one to casual onlookers.

The SWORD Project for Windows (BibleCS) is supported. It is kept current with each release of the SWORD engine. It is the showcase for all the features of the engine.

While I use Bible Desktop, that's because I am the lead developer for it and I prefer it's work flow to any of the other choices. (To be fair, I have not looked at the others within the last year.) There are some features of BT, Xiphos, MacSword, AlKitab and BibleCS that I would like to add to it.

Most of the criticisms that I hear about BibleCS relate to how it looks, not what it does. I think Manfred's comment about people not developing for the Mac is true for Windows too. What developer has jumped in to improve BibleCS?

One of the things that BibleCS does well is run on legacy and current hardware. I found out the hard way with Bible Desktop that there are many out there that have ancient machines with an ancient OS (e.g. Win 98) that still want a viable, free Bible program.

I applaud Xiphos and BibleTime for coming to Windows. Each provides a different way at approaching God's Word. Now we have 5 major, supported frontends for Windows that people can choose from! (I'm including AlKitab)

Working together with and for Christ,

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