I noticed this a few weeks ago. We should change JSword's ThML converter to 
output OSIS as is used in Byz and WHNU. And the xslt to handle it.

When I did the original, there were not any variants in an OSIS text.

In Him,
On Feb 8, 2013, at 1:09 PM, Chris Burrell <ch...@burrell.me.uk> wrote:

> Hi
> Is there are standard subType pattern that modules are supposed to follow?
> It seems Byz and WHNU are using x-<n> where n is the variant number. 
>     <seg subType="x-1" type="x-variant">αχας | αχαζ | 881 {N-PRI} | αχας</seg>
>     <seg subType="x-2" type="x-variant">αχαζ</seg>
> I'm seeing some code taken originally from BibleDesktop which suggests 
> subType can be x-class-1 ?
> A post on the sword list 
> (http://sword-dev.350566.n4.nabble.com/OSIS-variants-td1009209.html) 
> suggests, there is also a third subtly different form:
> <seg type="x-variant" subType="x-class:1">
> (i.e. a colon separating "class" from the number.
> Is one more appropriate than the other form? Does a UI have to cater for all 
> possible forms of subtypes? Is there a page somewhere listing the mutlitple 
> forms this can take?
> Chris
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