The only working copy of BibleDesktop I have currently is in windows 7,
BibleDesktop version 1.6. I don't see any 'view source' option, which would
be really nice to have available.  Which platform/version of BibleDesktop
has this feature enabled?

On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 1:57 PM, DM Smith <> wrote:

> Vladimir,
> Thank you for your observations.
> I’m the keeper of the KJV for CrossWire. The Strong’s numbering of the NT
> in the KJV was a collaborative effort of dozens in 2003. There were
> significant improvements in the module in 2006. And for 2011 we had another
> significant effort, which was mostly proof reading and correcting problems
> that were found. Our work in entirely independent of all others and we do
> not refer to others efforts due to copyright restrictions of those other
> efforts. Ours is freely available to all others to use as they see fit, but
> unless they synchronize when we make changes they won’t benefit from
> improvements.
> The most recent version of the KJV at CrossWire was a collection of
> corrections of the markup of Strong’s numbers. Luke was greatly affected as
> it had a large number of Greek words that were not matched with the English.
> I’ll comment on the current state of Luke 1:35, as that is your first
> example.
> The internal markup of the module is as follows:
> <verse osisID="Luke.1.35" sID="Luke.1.35”/>
> <w src="1" lemma="strong:G2532 lemma.TR:και" morph="robinson:CONJ">And</w>
> <w src="3 4" lemma="strong:G3588 strong:G32 lemma.TR:ο lemma.TR:αγγελος"
> morph="robinson:T-NSM robinson:N-NSM">the angel</w>
> <w src="2" lemma="strong:G611 lemma.TR:αποκριθεις"
> morph="robinson:V-AOP-NSM">answered</w>
> <w src="5" lemma="strong:G2036 lemma.TR:ειπεν"
> morph="robinson:V-2AAI-3S">and said</w>
> <w src="6" lemma="strong:G846 lemma.TR:αυτη" morph="robinson:P-DSF">unto
> her</w>,
> <w src="8" lemma="strong:G40 lemma.TR:αγιον" morph="robinson:A-NSN">The
> Holy</w>
> <w src="7" lemma="strong:G4151 lemma.TR:πνευμα"
> morph="robinson:N-NSN">Ghost</w>
> <w src="9" lemma="strong:G1904 lemma.TR:επελευσεται"
> morph="robinson:V-FDI-3S">shall come</w>
> <w src="10" lemma="strong:G1909 lemma.TR:επι"
> morph="robinson:PREP">upon</w>
> <w src="11" lemma="strong:G4571 lemma.TR:σε"
> morph="robinson:P-2AS">thee</w>,
> <w src="12" lemma="strong:G2532 lemma.TR:και"
> morph="robinson:CONJ">and</w>
> <w src="13" lemma="strong:G1411 lemma.TR:δυναμις"
> morph="robinson:N-NSF">the power</w>
> <w src="14" lemma="strong:G5310 lemma.TR:υψιστου"
> morph="robinson:A-GSM">of the Highest</w>
> <w src="15" lemma="strong:G1982 lemma.TR:επισκιασει"
> morph="robinson:V-FAI-3S">shall overshadow</w>
> <w src="16" lemma="strong:G4671 lemma.TR:σοι"
> morph="robinson:P-2DS">thee</w>:
> <w src="17" lemma="strong:G1352 lemma.TR:διο"
> morph="robinson:CONJ">therefore</w>
> <w src="18" lemma="strong:G2532 lemma.TR:και"
> morph="robinson:CONJ">also</w>
> <w src="19 20" lemma="strong:G3588 strong:G1080 lemma.TR:το
> lemma.TR:γεννωμενον" morph="robinson:T-NSN robinson:V-PPP-NSN"
> type="x-split-1260">that</w>
> <w src="23" lemma="strong:G40 lemma.TR:αγιον" morph="robinson:A-NSN">holy
> thing</w>
> <w src="19 20" lemma="strong:G3588 strong:G1080 lemma.TR:το
> lemma.TR:γεννωμενον" morph="robinson:T-NSN robinson:V-PPP-NSN"
> type="x-split-1260">which shall be born</w>
> <w src="21" lemma="strong:G1537 lemma.TR:εκ" morph="robinson:PREP">of</w>
> <w src="22" lemma="strong:G4675 lemma.TR:σου"
> morph="robinson:P-2GS">thee</w>
> <w src="24" lemma="strong:G2564 lemma.TR:κληθησεται"
> morph="robinson:V-FPI-3S">shall be called</w>
> <w src="25" lemma="strong:G5207 lemma.TR:υιος" morph="robinson:N-NSM">the
> Son</w>
> <w src="26" lemma="strong:G2316 lemma.TR:θεου" morph="robinson:N-GSM">of
> God</w>.
> <verse eID="Luke.1.35”/>
> Here is how to understand the markup:
> 1) *src* indicates the position of the word in the underlying Greek text.
> Very seldom do Greek and English follow the same order.
> 2) *lemma* gives two types of value, prefixed by *strong:* and *lemma.TR:*
> .
> 2.1) *strong:* is followed by the Strong’s number, with Greek having a
> leading G and Hebrew having a leading H.
> 2.2) *lemma.TR:* is followed by the Greek word from the TR (*T*extus *R*
> eceptus).
> 3) *morph* gives the part of speech and is indexed to the Robinson module.
> 4) *type=“x-split*-NNNN” indicates that in translating the Greek into
> English, the English is in two parts. The NNNN is used to identify the
> parts of the split that belong together.
> *Note:* G3588 is nearly always combined with another and then *src*,
> *lemma* and *morph* will have two values.
> You properly noted that *εκ σου* is different. Here is an explanation.
> The TR that we used is the Stephens TR Parsed with Scrivener Variants put
> together by Maurice Robinson (MR) and can be downloaded from:
> The version that is there is more current than what we used for the KJV.
> In the next year or two, I’ll update the KJV to agree with the most recent
> copy.
> The version which we used in 2003 has:
> και αποκριθεις ο αγγελος ειπεν αυτη πνευμα αγιον επελευσεται επι σε και
> δυναμις υψιστου επισκιασει σοι διο και το γεννωμενον *εκ σου *αγιον
> κληθησεται υιος θεου
> Literally this translates (my translation):
> και *And* αποκριθεις *answering* ο *the* αγγελος* angel* ειπεν *said*
> αυτη *to her* πνευμα *spirit* αγιον *holy* επελευσεται *shall come* επι
> *upon* σε *you* και *and* δυναμις *power* υψιστου *of the highest*
> επισκιασει *shall overshadow* σοι *you* διο *therefore* και *also* το
> *the* γεννωμενον* one who will be born* εκ *from* σου* you *αγιον *holy*
> κληθησεται *shall be called* υιος *son* θεου *of God.*
> The one you provided has:
> καὶ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ ἄγγελος εἶπεν αὐτῇ Πνεῦμα ἅγιον ἐπελεύσεται ἐπὶ σέ καὶ
> δύναμις ὑψίστου ἐπισκιάσει σοι διὸ καὶ τὸ γεννώμενον ἅγιον κληθήσεται υἱὸς
> θεοῦ
> Literally this translates (my translation):
> καὶ *And* ἀποκριθεὶς *answering* ὁ *the* ἄγγελος *angel* εἶπεν *said*
> αὐτῇ *to her* Πνεῦμα *Spirit* ἅγιον *holy* ἐπελεύσεται *shall come* ἐπὶ
> *upon* σέ *you* καὶ *and* δύναμις *power* ὑψίστου *of the highest*
> ἐπισκιάσει *shall overshadow* σοι *you* διὸ *therefore* καὶ *also* τὸ
> *the* γεννώμενον *one who will be born* ἅγιον *holy* κληθήσεται *shall be
> called* υἱὸς *son* θεοῦ *of God*.
> Note that there is nothing that fits the “*of thee*” in this. In the KJV
> it is not marked as added text, so it was translated from the underlying
> text. The big question is where.
> This difference is one of Scrivener’s variants. Here is the raw input from
> MR, with the variant highlighted:
> και 2532 {CONJ} αποκριθεις 611 5679 {V-AOP-NSM} ο 3588 {T-NSM} αγγελος 32
> {N-NSM} ειπεν 2036 5627 {V-2AAI-3S} αυτη 846 {P-DSF} πνευμα 4151 {N-NSN}
> αγιον 40 {A-NSN} επελευσεται 1904 5695 {V-FDI-3S} επι 1909 {PREP} σε 4571
> {P-2AS} και 2532 {CONJ} δυναμις 1411 {N-NSF} υψιστου 5310 {A-GSM}
> επισκιασει 1982 5692 {V-FAI-3S} σοι 4671 {P-2DS} διο 1352 {CONJ} και 2532
> {CONJ} το 3588 {T-NSN} γεννωμενον 1080 5746 {V-PPP-NSN} *| | εκ 1537
> {PREP} σου 4675 {P-2GS} |* αγιον 40 {A-NSN} κληθησεται 2564 5701
> {V-FPI-3S} υιος 5207 {N-NSM} θεου 2316 {N-GSM}
> Here you can see that *| | εκ 1537 {PREP} σου 4675 {P-2GS} |*  is a
> variant. When I updated this verse, I felt that the variant more naturally
> fit the English of the KJV that was present and included it.
> BTW, I’ve 7 semesters of New Testament Greek but it was ages ago.
> Hope this helps. As a volunteer, I don’t have the time to go through the
> others. But hopefully it gives you pointers on how to do analysis of the
> text.
> BibleDesktop will allow you to see the source of the module for what is
> displayed on screen. I think it is the only frontend that allows this.
> Otherwise use mod2imp to dump the module as it is represented internally.
> If you wish, I have the file from which the module was made.
> In His Service,
> DM Smith
> On Aug 2, 2015, at 9:26 AM, Vladimir Támara Patiño <
>> wrote:
> Blessings
> Comparing the strong concordances of Luke in KJV from a copy that I have
> (15-feb-2014) with a recent one (29-Jun-2015) I see several differences.
> For example the sequence of strong numbers with positions in Luke 1:35 in
> the old KJV is:
> < 1:35 1-2532 2-611 3-3588 4-32 5-2036 6-846 7-4151 8-40 9-1904 10-1909
> 11-4571 12-2532 13-1411 14-5310 15-1982 16-4671 17-1352 18-2532 19-3588
> 20-1080 21-40 22-2564 23-5207 24-2316
> while the sequence in the more recent is:
> 1:35 1-2532 2-611 3-3588 4-32 5-2036 6-846 7-4151 8-40 9-1904 10-1909
> 11-4571 12-2532 13-1411 14-5310 15-1982 16-4671 17-1352 18-2532 19-3588
> 20-1080 21-1537 22-4675 23-40 24-2564 25-5207 26-2316
> The more recent introduces in the position 21 the strong 1537 and in the
> position 22 the 4675.
> Checking in
> and
> I see:
> * 1537 ἐκ preposition of, from, out of, by, away from.
> * 4675 σοῦ thy, tee
> According to the Textus Receptus in this verse is:
> 1:35  καὶ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ ἄγγελος εἶπεν αὐτῇ Πνεῦμα ἅγιον ἐπελεύσεται ἐπὶ σέ
> καὶ δύναμις ὑψίστου ἐπισκιάσει σοι διὸ καὶ τὸ γεννώμενον ἅγιον κληθήσεται
> υἱὸς θεοῦ
> So, although I don't know much greek it doesn't have the word ἐκ σοῦ in
> positions 21 and 22.  I guess introducing them would be good for a reverse
> concordance (from KJV to Greek like  blb has recently I think in tab
> "reverse interlinear"), but I think the idea is a direct concordance from
> Textus Receptus to KJV.
> Now I will copy other changes I found, and comment about each comparing
> with, but more briefly (hope it will be understandable anyway).
> After I attach other verses that I hope to analyze later.
> < 2:36 1-2532 2-2258 3-451 4-4398 5-2364 6-5323 7-1537 8-5443 9-768 10-846
> 11-3778 12-4260 13-1722 14-2250 15-4183 16-2198 17-2094 18-3326 19-435
> 20-2033 21-575 22-3588 23-3932 24-846
> ---
> 2:36 1-2532 2-2258 3-451 4-4398 5-2364 6-5323 7-1537 8-5443 9-768 10-846
> 11-4260 12-1722 13-2250 14-4183 15-2198 16-2094 17-3326 18-435 19-2033
> 20-575 21-3588 22-3932 23-846
> I see you joining 10-846 11-3778 into 10-846, however would be the same as
> in by joining 10-846 11-3778 into 10-3778
> < 2:37 1-2532 2-846 3-3778 4-5503 5-5613 6-2094 7-3589 8-5064 9-3739
> 10-3756 11-868 12-575 13-3588 14-2411 15-3521 16-2532 17-1162 18-3000
> 19-3571 20-2532 21-2250
> ---
> 2:37 1-2532 2-846 3-5503 4-5613 5-2094 6-3589 7-3739 8-3756 9-868 10-575
> 11-3588 12-2411 13-3521 14-2532 15-1162 16-3000 17-3571 18-2532 19-2250
> agrees with you by joining 3-3778 4-5503 into 3-5503 and 7-3589
> 8-5064 into 6-3589, however in 12 is 2413
> < 2:38 1-2532 2-846 3-3778 4-846 5-3588 6-5610 7-2186 8-437 9-3588 10-2962
> 11-2532 12-2980 13-4012 14-846 15-3956 16-3588 17-4327 18-3085 19-1722
> 20-2419
> ---
> 2:38 1-2532 2-846 3-846 4-3588 5-5610 6-2186 7-437 8-3588 9-2962 10-2532
> 11-2980 12-4012 13-846 14-3956 15-3688 16-4327 17-3085 18-1722 19-2419
> I see you join 3-3778 4-846 into 3-846 however to agree with
> would have to join them into 3-3778.
> < 3:24 1-3588 2-3158 3-3588 4-3017 5-3588 6-3197 7-3588 8-2388 9-3588
> 10-2501
> ---
> 3:24 1-3588 2-3158 4-3017 5-3588 6-3197 7-3588 8-2388 9-3588 10-2501
> Missing 3rd one, verse was better in previous version
> < 6:23 1-5463 2-1722 3-1565 4-3588 5-2250 6-2532 7-4640 8-2400 9-1063
> 10-3588 11-3408 12-5216 13-4183 14-1722 15-3588 16-3772 17-2596 18-5024
> 19-5023 20-1063 21-4160 22-3588 23-4396 24-3588 25-3962 26-846
> ---
> 6:23 1-5463 2-1722 3-1565 4-3588 5-2250 6-2532 7-4640 8-2400 9-1063
> 10-3588 11-3408 12-5216 13-4183 14-1722 15-3588 16-3772 17-2596 18-3778
> 19-1063 20-4160 21-3588 22-4396 23-3588 24-3962 25-846
> You joined 18-5024 19-5023 into 18-3788 like in
> < 6:26 1-3759 2-5213 3-3752 4-2573 5-5209 6-2036 7-3956 8-3588 9-444
> 10-2596 11-5024 12-5023 13-1063 14-4160 15-3588 16-5578 17-3588 18-3962
> 19-846
> ---
> 6:26 1-3759 2-5213 3-3752 4-2573 5-5209 6-2036 7-3956 8-3588 9-444 10-2596
> 11-5024 12-1063 13-4160 14-3588 15-5578 16-3588 17-3962 18-846
> You joined 11-5024 12-5023 into 11-5024 (although to agree with blb you
> would have to join them into 11-3778)
> Attached below other changes that I want to analyze later, as well as
> changes in other books. (wouldn't it be better controlling versions of the
> concordance for example in ? --that is what I do in a public
> domain translation and strong concordance in spanish based on KJV
> concordance: ).
> Blessings
> --
> Dios, gracias por tu amor infinito.
> --
>  Vladimir Támara Patiño.
> < 7:12 1-5613 2-1161 3-1448 4-3588 5-4439 6-3588 7-4172 8-2532 9-2400
> 10-1580 11-2348 12-5207 13-3439 14-3588 15-3384 16-846 17-2532 18-846
> 19-3778 20-2258 21-5503 22-2532 23-3793 24-3588 25-4172 26-2425 27-2258
> 28-4862 29-846
> ---
> 7:12 1-5613 2-1161 3-1448 4-3588 5-4439 6-3588 7-4172 8-2532 9-2400
> 10-1580 11-2348 12-5207 13-3439 14-3588 15-3384 16-846 17-2532 18-846
> 19-2258 20-5503 21-2532 22-3793 23-3588 24-4172 25-2425 26-2258 27-4862
> 28-846
> < 7:20 1-3854 2-1161 3-4314 4-846 5-3588 6-435 7-2036 8-2491 9-3588 10-910
> 11-649 12-2248 13-4314 14-4571 15-3004 16-4771 17-1488 18-3588 19-2064
> 20-2228 21-243 22-4328 23-4328
> ---
> 7:20 1-3854 2-1161 3-4314 4-846 5-3588 6-435 7-2036 8-2491 9-3588 10-910
> 11-649 12-2248 13-4314 14-4571 15-3004 16-4771 17-1488 18-3588 19-2064
> 20-2228 21-243 22-4328
> < 7:32 1-3664 2-1526 3-3813 4-3588 5-1722 6-58 7-2521 8-2532 9-4377
> 10-4377 11-240 12-2532 13-3004 14-3004 15-832 16-5213 17-2532 18-3756
> 19-3738 20-2354 21-5213 22-2532 23-3756 24-2799
> ---
> 7:32 1-3664 2-1526 3-3813 4-3588 5-1722 6-58 7-2521 8-2532 9-4377 10-240
> 11-2532 12-3004 13-832 14-5213 15-2532 16-3756 17-3738 18-2354 19-5213
> 20-2532 21-3756 22-2799
> < 7:44 1-2532 2-4762 3-4314 4-3588 5-1135 6-3588 7-4613 8-5346 9-991
> 10-3778 11-3588 12-1135 13-1525 14-4675 15-1519 16-3588 17-3614 18-5204
> 19-1909 20-3588 21-4228 22-3450 23-3756 24-1325 25-846 26-3778 27-1161
> 28-3588 29-1144 30-1026 31-3450 32-3588 33-4228 34-2532 35-3588 36-2359
> 37-3588 38-2776 39-846 40-1591
> ---
> 7:44 1-2532 2-4762 3-4314 4-3588 5-1135 6-3588 7-4613 8-5346 9-991 10-3778
> 11-3588 12-1135 13-1525 14-4675 15-1519 16-3588 17-3614 18-5204 19-1909
> 20-3588 21-4228 22-3450 23-3756 24-1325 25-846 26-1161 27-3588 28-1144
> 29-1026 30-3450 31-3588 32-4228 33-2532 34-3588 35-2359 36-3588 37-2776
> 38-846 39-1591
> < 7:45 1-5370 2-3427 3-3756 4-1325 5-846 6-3778 7-1161 8-575 9-3739
> 10-1525 11-3756 12-1257 13-2705 14-3450 15-3588 16-4228
> ---
> 7:45 1-5370 2-3427 3-3756 4-1325 5-846 6-1161 7-575 8-3739 9-1525 10-3756
> 11-1257 12-2705 13-3450 14-3588 15-4228
> < 7:46 1-1637 2-3588 3-2776 4-3450 5-3756 6-218 7-846 8-3778 9-1161
> 10-3464 11-218 12-3450 13-3588 14-4228
> ---
> 7:46 1-1637 2-3588 3-2776 4-3450 5-3756 6-218 7-846 8-1161 9-3464 10-218
> 11-3450 12-3588 13-4228
> < 8:42 1-3754 2-2364 3-3439 4-2258 5-846 6-5613 7-2094 8-1427 9-2532
> 10-846 11-3778 12-599 13-1722 14-1161 15-3588 16-5217 17-846 18-3588
> 19-3793 20-4846 21-846
> ---
> 8:42 1-3754 2-2364 3-3439 4-2258 5-846 6-5613 7-2094 8-1427 9-2532 10-846
> 11-599 12-1722 13-1161 14-3588 15-5217 16-846 17-3588 18-3793 19-4846 20-846
> < 8:46 1-3588 2-1161 3-2424 4-2036 5-680 6-3450 7-5100 8-5101 9-1473
> 10-1063 11-1097 12-1411 13-1831 14-575 15-1700
> ---
> 8:46 1-3688 2-1161 3-2424 4-2036 5-680 6-3450 7-5100 8-1473 9-1063 10-1097
> 11-1411 12-1831 13-575 14-1700
> < 9:36 1-2532 2-1722 3-3588 4-1096 5-3588 6-5456 7-2147 8-3588 9-2424
> 10-3441 11-2532 12-846 13-4601 14-2532 15-3762 16-518 17-1722 18-1565
> 19-3588 20-2250 21-3762 22-3739 23-3739 24-3708
> ---
> 9:36 1-2532 2-1722 3-3588 4-1096 5-3588 6-5456 7-2147 8-3588 9-2424
> 10-3441 11-2532 12-846 13-4601 14-2532 15-3762 16-518 17-1722 18-1565
> 19-3588 20-2250 21-3762 22-3739 23-3708
> 471c471
> < 10:1 1-3326 2-1161 3-5023 4-322 5-3588 6-2962 7-2532 8-2087 9-1440
> 10-2532 11-649 12-846 13-303 14-1417 15-4253 16-4383 17-846 18-1519 19-3956
> 20-4172 21-2532 22-5117 23-3739 24-3757 25-3195 26-846 27-2064
> ---
> 10:1 1-3326 2-1161 3-5023 4-322 5-3588 6-2962 7-2532 8-2087 9-1440 10-2532
> 11-649 12-846 13-303 14-1417 15-4253 16-4383 17-846 18-1519 19-3956 20-4172
> 21-2532 22-5117 23-3739 24-3195 25-846 26-2064
> < 10:6 1-2532 2-1437 3-3303 4-5600 5-1563 6-5207 7-1515 8-1879 9-1909
> 10-846 11-3588 12-1515 13-5216 14-1487 15-1161 16-3361 17-1909 18-5209
> 19-344
> ---
> 10:6 1-2532 2-1437 3-3303 4-5600 5-1563 6-3588 7-5207 8-1515 9-1879
> 10-1909 11-846 12-3588 13-1515 14-5216 15-1487 16-1161 17-3361 18-1909
> 19-5209 20-344
> < 10:22 1-2532 2-4762 3-4314 4-3588 5-3101 6-2036 7-3956 8-3860 9-3427
> 10-5259 11-3588 12-3962 13-3450 14-2532 15-3762 16-1097 17-5101 18-2076
> 19-3588 20-5207 21-1487 22-3361 23-3588 24-3962 25-2532 26-5101 27-2076
> 28-3588 29-3962 30-1487 31-3361 32-3588 33-5207 34-2532 35-3739 36-1437
> 37-1014 38-3588 39-5207 40-601
> ---
> 10:22 1-3956 2-3860 3-3427 4-5259 5-3588 6-3962 7-3450 8-2532 9-3762
> 10-1097 11-5101 12-2076 13-3588 14-5207 15-1487 16-3361 17-3588 18-3962
> 19-2532 20-5101 21-2076 22-3588 23-3962 24-1487 25-3361 26-3588 27-5207
> 28-2532 29-3739 30-1437 31-1014 32-3588 33-5207 34-601
> < 10:25 1-2532 2-2400 3-3544 4-5100 5-450 6-1598 7-846 8-2532 9-3004
> 10-1320 11-5101 12-4160 13-2222 14-166 15-2816 16-2816
> ---
> 10:25 1-2532 2-2400 3-3544 4-5100 5-450 6-1598 7-846 8-2532 9-3004 10-1320
> 11-5101 12-4160 13-2222 14-166 15-2816
> < 12:25 1-5101 2-1161 3-1537 4-5216 5-3308 6-3309 7-1410 8-4369 9-1909
> 10-3588 11-2244 12-846 13-4083 14-1520
> ---
> 12:25 1-5101 2-1161 3-1537 4-5216 5-3308 6-1410 7-4369 8-1909 9-3588
> 10-2244 11-846 12-4083 13-1520
> < 13:7 1-2036 2-1161 3-4314 4-3588 5-289 6-2400 7-5140 8-2094 9-2064
> 10-2212 11-2590 12-1722 13-3588 14-4808 15-3778 16-2532 17-3756 18-2147
> 19-1581 20-846 21-2444 22-2532 23-3588 24-1093 25-2673
> ---
> 13:7 1-2036 2-1161 3-4314 4-3588 5-289 6-2400 7-5140 8-2094 9-2064 10-2212
> 11-2590 12-1722 13-3588 14-4808 15-3778 16-2532 17-3756 18-2147 19-1581
> 20-846 21-2443 22-2444 23-2532 24-3588 25-1093 26-2673
> < 15:24 1-3778 2-3778 3-3588 4-5207 5-3450 6-3498 7-2258 8-2532 9-326
> 10-2532 11-622 12-2258 13-2532 14-2147 15-2532 16-756 17-2165
> ---
> 15:24 1-3754 2-3778 3-3588 4-5207 5-3450 6-3498 7-2258 8-2532 9-326
> 10-2532 11-622 12-2258 13-2532 14-2147 15-2532 16-756 17-2165
> < 15:26 1-2532 2-4341 3-1520 4-3588 5-3816 6-846 7-4441 8-5101 9-1498
> 10-5023
> ---
> 15:26 1-2532 2-4341 3-1520 4-3588 5-3816 6-4441 7-5101 8-1498 9-5023
> < 16:8 1-2532 2-1867 3-3588 4-2962 5-3588 6-3623 7-3588 8-93 9-3754
> 10-5430 11-4160 12-3754 13-3588 14-5207 15-3588 16-165 17-5127 18-5429
> 19-5228 20-3588 21-5207 22-3588 23-5457 24-1519 25-3588 26-1074 27-3588
> 28-1438 29-1526
> ---
> 16:8 1-2532 2-1867 3-3588 4-2962 5-3588 6-3623 7-3588 8-93 9-3754 10-5430
> 11-4160 12-3754 13-3588 14-5207 15-3588 16-165 17-5127 18-5429 19-5228
> 20-3588 21-5207 22-3588 23-5457 24-1519 25-3588 26-1074 27-1438 28-1526
> < 16:9 1-2504 2-5213 3-3004 4-4160 5-1438 6-5384 7-1537 8-3588 9-3126
> 10-3126 11-3588 12-93 13-2443 14-3752 15-1587 16-1209 17-5209 18-1519
> 19-3588 20-166 21-4633
> ---
> 16:9 1-2504 2-5213 3-3004 4-4160 5-1438 6-5384 7-1537 8-3588 9-3126
> 10-3588 11-93 12-2443 13-3752 14-1587 15-1209 16-5209 17-1519 18-3688
> 19-166 20-4633
> < 16:11 1-1487 2-3767 3-1722 4-3588 5-94 6-3126 7-3126 8-4103 9-3756
> 10-1096 11-3588 12-228 13-5101 14-5213 15-4100
> ---
> 16:11 1-1487 2-3767 3-1722 4-3588 5-94 6-3126 7-4103 8-3756 9-1096 10-3588
> 11-228 12-5101 13-5213 14-4100
> < 16:13 1-3762 2-3610 3-1410 4-1417 5-2962 6-1398 7-2228 8-1063 9-3588
> 10-1520 11-3404 12-2532 13-3588 14-2087 15-25 16-2228 17-1520 18-472
> 19-2532 20-3588 21-2087 22-2706 23-3756 24-1410 25-2316 26-1398 27-2532
> 28-3126 29-3126
> ---
> 16:13 1-3762 2-3610 3-1410 4-1417 5-2962 6-1398 7-2228 8-1063 9-3588
> 10-1520 11-3404 12-2532 13-3588 14-2087 15-25 16-2228 17-1520 18-472
> 19-2532 20-3588 21-2087 22-2706 23-3756 24-1410 25-2316 26-1398 27-2532
> 28-3126
> < 17:30 1-2596 2-5024 3-5023 4-2071 5-3739 6-2250 7-3588 8-5207 9-3588
> 10-444 11-601
> ---
> 17:30 1-2596 2-5024 3-2071 4-3739 5-2250 6-3588 7-5207 8-3588 9-444 10-601
> < 17:35 1-1417 2-2071 3-229 4-1909 5-3588 6-846 7-1520 8-3880 9-2532
> 10-3588 11-2087 12-863
> ---
> 17:35 1-1417 2-2071 3-229 4-1909 5-3588 6-846 7-3588 8-1520 9-3880 10-2532
> 11-3588 12-2087 13-863
> 17:36 1-1417 2-2071 3-1722 4-3588 5-68 6-3588 7-1520 8-3880 9-2532 10-3588
> 11-2087 12-863
> < 18:18 1-2532 2-1905 3-5100 4-846 5-758 6-3004 7-1320 8-18 9-5101 10-4160
> 11-2222 12-166 13-2816 14-2816
> 18:18 1-2532 2-1905 3-5100 4-846 5-758 6-3004 7-1320 8-18 9-5101 10-4160
> 11-2222 12-166 13-2816
> < 20:31 1-2532 2-3588 3-5154 4-2983 5-846 6-5615 7-1161 8-2532 9-3588
> 10-2033 11-3756 12-2641 13-5043 14-2532 15-599
> ---
> 20:31 1-2532 2-3588 3-5154 4-2983 5-846 6-5615 7-1161 8-2532 9-3588
> 10-2033 11-2532 12-3756 13-2641 14-5043 15-2532 16-599
> < 21:4 1-537 2-1063 3-3778 4-1537 5-3588 6-4052 7-846 8-906 9-1519 10-3588
> 11-1435 12-3588 13-2316 14-846 15-3778 16-1161 17-1537 18-3588 19-5303
> 20-846 21-537 22-3588 23-979 24-3739 25-2192 26-906
> ---
> 21:4 1-537 2-1063 3-3778 4-1537 5-3588 6-4052 7-846 8-906 9-1519 10-3588
> 11-1435 12-3588 13-2316 14-846 15-1161 16-1537 17-3588 18-5303 19-846
> 20-537 21-3588 22-979 23-3739 24-2192 25-906
> < 22:45 1-2532 2-450 3-575 4-3588 5-4335 6-2064 7-4314 8-3588 9-3101
> 10-2147 11-846 12-2837 13-575 14-3588 15-3077
> ---
> 22:45 1-2532 2-450 3-575 4-3588 5-4335 6-2064 7-4314 8-3588 9-3101 10-846
> 11-2147 12-846 13-2837 14-575 15-3588 16-3077
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