Osis2mod does not care much about whether it is actually semantically valid 
OSIS. Just that it is well formed OSIS.

To do this each file has to have a container element surrounding the entire 
content. <div type=“book”>…</div> should do. But you certainly can have each 
book be a semantically complete OSIS document of one book.


> On Feb 19, 2018, at 11:32 AM, Tom Sullivan <i...@beforgiven.info> wrote:
> DM:
> Can you give some more info on the -a option? Normally, the complete OSIS 
> file will have a header, then a body. The body will be broken into books. So 
> when running osis2mod the first time, do we repeat the header? Does the first 
> segment simply end abruptly without closing tags for the body as one would 
> normally do?
> For example (abbreviated greatly)
> <osis>
> <header>
>  stuff
> </header>
> <div>
>  <div>
>   more stuff
>  </div>
>  now this is where we would normally put the next div if making module all at 
> once.
> </div>
> </osis>
> or
> without -a:
> <osis>
> <header>
>  stuff
> </header>
> <div>
>  <div>
>   more stuff
>  </div>
> then with -a:
>  now this is where we would normally put the next div if making module all at 
> once.
> </div>
> </osis>
> OR what?
> I think you get the drift of my question. (SwordHammer makes modules all at 
> once, but it would be helpful in debugging to think about a feature to 
> produce just the bad part and show it to the user.)
> Many thanks.
> Tom
> Tom Sullivan
> i...@beforgiven.info
> FAX: 815-301-2835
> ---------------------
> Great News!
> God created you, owns you and gave you commands to obey.
> You have disobeyed God - as your conscience very well attests to you.
> God's holiness and justice compel Him to punish you in Hell.
> Jesus Christ became Man, was crucified, buried and rose from the dead
> as a substitute for all who trust in Him, redeeming them from Hell.
> If you repent (turn from your sin) and believe (trust) in Jesus Christ,
> you will go to Heaven. Otherwise you will go to Hell.
> Warning! Good works are a result, not cause, of saving trust.
> More info is at www.esig.beforgiven.info
> Do you believe this? Copy this signature into your email program
> and use the Internet to spread the Great News every time you email.
> On 02/19/2018 11:17 AM, DM Smith wrote:
>> Recommend breaking your input into files by book. Run the Osis2mod for 
>> Genesis as before but the others w -a.
>> This will incrementally build a module.
>> Smaller files are better handled by other xml tools.
>> — DM Smith
>> From my phone. Brief. Weird autocorrections.
>> On Feb 19, 2018, at 9:43 AM, Andrew T. <thules...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:thules...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Thank you for your insight. It is appreciated.  I'll scrutinize the XML 
>>> more closely (again).  I find general many of the XML validation tools 
>>> expect small xml files not large ones.  XML can be a pain to find errors in.
>>> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 2:16 AM, ref...@gmx.net <mailto:ref...@gmx.net> 
>>> <ref...@gmx.net <mailto:ref...@gmx.net>> wrote:
>>>    Thanks for confirming that you are of the same spirit as then.
>>>    Wrt the technical side, it is the result of a faulty OSIS. I have
>>>    seen it a few times, it has always been a fault in the OSIS. The
>>>    error message cod be more helpful, granted.
>>>    It is too long ago to remember what it was the last time, and with
>>>    the nature of your modules I have little desire to think further.
>>>    Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and weird
>>>    autocorrects.
>>>    -------- Original Message --------
>>>    Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Error reading ulCompOffset
>>>    From: "Andrew T." __
>>>    To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum __
>>>    CC:
>>>        You showed yourself to be ignorant of the 'Fair Use' clauses
>>>        of European, American and Canadian copyright law; dogmatic;
>>>        and a hypocrite trying to assert copyright privilege you don't
>>>        possess. Further you've never bothered to look at the module
>>>        I've worked on for 9 years, examine the credits it contains,
>>>        or check with translators to see if you're fight was a fight
>>>        they wanted to be fought on their behalf.
>>>        You should learn to let sleeping dogs lay as you're pride is
>>>        impairing your judgement.
>>>        I assume you're trying to find fault because you have no
>>>        technical insights into the error I'm asking about?
>>>        ~A
>>>        On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 5:32 PM, ref...@gmx.net
>>>        <mailto:ref...@gmx.net> <ref...@gmx.net
>>>        <mailto:ref...@gmx.net>> wrote:
>>>            So the module you are working on, is, despite the same
>>>            name as the last one not a copyrighted translation of the
>>>            Dead Sea scrolls? There was no controversy, the material
>>>            discusses then is without doubt copyrighted and without
>>>            doubt you showed yourself as someone who chooses to ignore
>>>            copyright rules.
>>>            Peter
>>>            Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and
>>>            weird autocorrects.
>>>            -------- Original Message --------
>>>            Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Error reading ulCompOffset
>>>            From: "Andrew T." __
>>>            To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum __
>>>            CC:
>>>                Peter - thanks for the opportunity but I'm not going
>>>                to re-open old controversies.
>>>                ~A
>>>                On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 3:23 PM, ref...@gmx.net
>>>                <mailto:ref...@gmx.net> <ref...@gmx.net
>>>                <mailto:ref...@gmx.net>> wrote:
>>>                    Thanks for the reminder, but given that this is
>>>                    not a matter of forgiveness but of respect for
>>>                    copyright and our project's views on this matter,
>>>                    the reference is not really applicable.
>>>                    So I am asking again, have you changed your
>>>                    attitudes since we saw you last time?
>>>                    Thanks
>>>                    Peter
>>>                    Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness,
>>>                    typos and weird autocorrects.
>>>                    -------- Original Message --------
>>>                    Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Error reading ulCompOffset
>>>                    From: "Andrew T." __
>>>                    To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum __
>>>                    CC:
>>>                        Peter, I asked a question about an error
>>>                        message.  Your response deflected to me.  Is
>>>                        this your way of illustrating Matt 18:22?
>>>                        Do you know what the error message means or no?
>>>                        ~A
>>>                        On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 1:50 AM,
>>>                        ref...@gmx.net <mailto:ref...@gmx.net>
>>>                        <ref...@gmx.net <mailto:ref...@gmx.net>> wrote:
>>>                            Has anything changed in your attitude
>>>                            since we saw you last time here?
>>>                            Peter
>>>                            Sent from my mobile. Please forgive
>>>                            shortness, typos and weird autocorrects.
>>>                            -------- Original Message --------
>>>                            Subject: [sword-devel] Error reading
>>>                            ulCompOffset
>>>                            From: "Andrew T." __
>>>                            To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum __
>>>                            CC:
>>>                                I'm currently using the command:
>>>                                /usr/bin/osis2mod .
>>>                                /sword/dss/DSS.osis.xml -z -b 4 -v KJVA
>>>                                Yet all I'm getting are the following
>>>                                errors:
>>>                                Error reading ulCompOffset
>>>                                Error reading ulCompOffset
>>>                                Error reading ulCompOffset
>>>                                ...
>>>                                I've created sword modules before, yet
>>>                                I don't recognize this error.
>>>                                I created the osis.xml file, and I'm
>>>                                fairly confident it is structured
>>>                                correctly - yet there are fragments
>>>                                missing (as the source of the text I
>>>                                used to create this document is
>>>                                fragmentary and incomplete).  For
>>>                                example there is no New Testament, no
>>>                                Esther, no Nehemiah ...)
>>>                                Can anyone provide insight as to what
>>>                                this error means?
>>>                                ~A
>>>                            _______________________________________________
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