While the OSIS spec has one definition of canonical, being part of the 
published text. Regarding Bibles, Troy pointed out, we use it in the 
theological sense for Bible modules.

There are many versifications that have the canonical titles as verse 1. and 
what we have as verse 1 to n in verse 2 to n + 1.

I once surveyed all of our modules for verse 3.0 and verse 3.1 to note how they 
handled the canonical Psalm title. It was very inconsistent. Some had it in 
verse 0, some had it in verse 1. Many didn’t have it marked as canonical. 
That’s an entirely issue than what we are talking about here.

In Him,

> On May 8, 2020, at 10:49 AM, Tom Sullivan <i...@beforgiven.info> wrote:
> Y'all:
> My Biblia Hebraica treats Psalm titles as the first verse, indicating 
> biblical canonacity and in line with Hebrew versification.
> Note the following from OSIS doc, OSIS.pdf:
> Appendix B.2.10 titles
> The type attribute on the title element is used to allow special rendering of 
> particular titles, as well as
> searching for particular types of titles in the text.identify the type of 
> note that appears in the text. Note that
> the values for the type attribute must be entered exactly as shown, all 
> others must use the "x-" extension
> mechanism.
> If the user needs to record a type of title in the text that is not covered 
> by these values, please use the OSIS
> attribute extension mechanism, "x-" in front of the name of your value for 
> this attribute.
> .
> .
> psalm Use in the Psalms where what are considered "titles" in the English 
> text are actually numbered
> as verses in the Hebrew text.
> David's point about canonicity is well taken, but we must consider:
> 1. Are we considering canonicity with respect to the NASB as published,
> OR
> 2. Are we considering canonicity with respect to how the NASB publishers saw 
> it, that is that the Scripture text is cannonical. If we make this decision, 
> we are simply electronically duplicating the paper publication.
> IMHO, 2. is the far better choice.
> Hope this helps, and thanks again to all.
> Tom Sullivan
> i...@beforgiven.info
> FAX: 815-301-2835
> ---------------------
> On 5/8/20 10:28 AM, David Haslam wrote:
>> One of the subtleties of OSIS is that the canonical attribute is actually 
>> not a theological matter.
>> It’s easy to jump to the wrong conclusion that SWORD treats it as if it was.
>> It’s actually a technical attribute relating to the published work it 
>> represents in digital format.
>> So it can just as well appear in a Commentary module as a Bible module.
>> Anything with canonical=“false” should in theory at least be only because 
>> the marked text was not in the original work.
>> Then the question becomes “What was the original work?”
>> I will leave you to ponder....
>> David
>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>> On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 15:09, Karl Kleinpaste <k...@kleinpaste.org 
>> <mailto:k...@kleinpaste.org>> wrote:
>>> On 5/8/20 10:00 AM, Tom Sullivan wrote:
>>> > because Psalm titles are canonical, front-ends should put a difference
>>> > in display between them and human editor supplied titles.
>>> It's a fine idea, but it requires (in the xhtml case) the engine to wrap
>>> such titles in a suitable <span></span> so that a CSS control can put it
>>> to use, with appropriate new default render header content for it.
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