Hi Ryan, while I can't contribute, I would be interested to see how this
goes.  We (Philip and I) have stayed away from this because we felt it would
cannibalize some of the contributions and use cases by putting the comments
in a different place from the rest of the article and not allowing people to
edit the comments.  Having said that, it would be good to see how this does
in practice to confirm or deny this intuition.


On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 7:29 PM, Ryan Tucker <rtuc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings!
> On RocWiki, comments have been a contentious feature.  We aim for a
> factual and neutral point-of-view for the "main" content on a page, with
> opinions and whatnot kept to the comments.  This works fairly well, but
> the current implementation limits flexibility and makes comments a
> target for abuse.  I am proposing a new system that separates the
> comments from the main page content, solving some of these issues and
> allowing for flexibility to add features in the future.
> The current Comments macro functions by appending the user's comment to
> the bottom of the page.  This is simple and works pretty well, as long
> as some rules are respected:
>  * Don't edit other people's comments
>  * Don't delete other people's comments
>  * Don't mess with the formatting
> These three rules run directly counter to the normal wiki instincts, yet
> are essential to the use of comments for open discourse.  Unfortunately,
> these rules are not always respected, and when they aren't, all hell
> breaks loose.  We've also had issues with very heavily-commented pages:
> new comments get added to the bottom, which is a long ways from the top.
> I believe the best long-term solution to this is to separate the
> comments from the editable page content.  I propose to do this by
> creating a database table to store comments, with the comments.py macro
> responsible for outputting the comments during page rendering.
> This system should initially support the following:
>  * Seamless transition from current system, including importing of
> existing comments
>  * The ability for users to delete and edit their own comments
>  * The ability for admins to delete and edit other user's comments
>  * The ability for users to delete comments from their own user page
>  * Sorting displayed comments newest-to-oldest
>  * Comments should still appear in the Recent Changes page as usual
> In the future, I envision the system perhaps supporting:
>  * RSS feeds for comments (for example, a feed of all comments across
> the site)
>  * Threads: being able to reply to a comment and having your comment
> linked to the original
>  * Comment voting: users can vote up/vote down other comments
>  * Page voting: along with a comment, including one to five "stars",
> e.g. for restaurant "review"-like stuff
> In some ways, my model for this is reddit.com's comment system, although
> probably nothing that fancy will occur.
> I plan to start work on this in the near future, and am wondering if
> other folks are interested in something like this and/or if there's any
> feedback or suggestions.  If so, some collaboration could surely ensue.
> Thanks!  -rt
> --
> Ryan Tucker <rtuc...@gmail.com>
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