Dear all,

At the next Critical Antiquities Workshop, we have the pleasure of hosting 
Mario Telò (University of California, Berkeley) for his talk, ‘Geopower, 
Blackness, and the Pandemic: Reading Antigone with Du Bois and Hartman.’

The event will take place on Zoom on Thursday, April 27, 9:30-11am. And here is 
the time in other locations:

  *   New York: Wednesday, March 29, 7:30pm
  *   Chicago: Wednesday, March 29, 6:30pm
  *   Mexico City: Wednesday, March 29, 5:30pm
  *   Los Angeles: Wednesday, March 29, 4:30pm
  *   Beijing/Singapore/Perth: Thursday, March 30, 7:30am
  *   Tokyo: Thursday, March 30, 8:30am
  *   Adelaide: Thursday, March 30, 9am

To register, please sign up for the Critical Antiquities Network mailing list 

Here is the abstract:

Seizing on the anachronism inherent in every act of reading while refusing the 
dichotomy between ancient text and modern reception, this paper shows how Greek 
tragedy can speak to us about the pandemic as well as the crises it has 
aggravated and come to epitomize. Re-reading Antigone in light of Saidiya 
Hartman’s Litany for Grieving Sisters and W. E. B. Du Bois’s The Comet helps us 
conceptualize the relationship between tragedy and the end of the world, or the 
end of the human, a prospect that the pandemic and climate change have made 
palpable. More importantly, this affective and interpretive re-engagement with 
Sophocles’ play might allow us to locate imaginative forms of being beyond 
extraction and beyond human extinction.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Tristan and Ben

Tristan Bradshaw
Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts | Co-director, Critical Antiquities Network
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities | Building 19 Room 1085
University of Wollongong NSW 2522 Australia
T +61 2 4221 3850<> |<>
Honorary Associate
University of Sydney
School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

University of Wollongong CRICOS: 00102E

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