On Nov 21, 2007 6:59 PM, Goutham DL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> I have written a few functions mostly related quadratic residues and
> primitive functions. Before i go any further, I want to send the
> changes i have made. Iam having a few problems with mercurial.


> The command
> hg bundle .hg      (.hg is the name of the store)
> gave this error:
> searching for changes
> permission denied!
> Can someone tell me how u export the repository?

On linux, you need to do:

hg bundle mypatch.hg

and it will save your changes to the "mypatch.hg". When I tried your
command I got:

$ hg bundle .hg
searching for changes
abort: Is a directory: .hg

So it's not the same error as you got, but I think that's the problem.


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