On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 1:42 PM, weralwolf <weralw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 23 Бер, 21:48, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 10:04 AM, weralwolf <weralw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hello, where my simple example of calculations corrections due to
>> > perturbation theory for hole with infinite walls. I thinks I didn't
>> > use all SymPy features, so if it possible guide me.
>> > Source:http://pygments.org/demo/16998/
>> Nice! I ran your script, and got a number:
>> -0.281647771314390
>> Then I printed E_n(_n, _a, _mass).n() and I got:
>> 0.197392088021787
>> so the 0.197... is the original energy, and -0.281... is the corrected one?
> Yes, you are right, it's exactly what I mean in script.

How hard would it be to do more perturbation terms, so that we can see
some kind of convergence in the energies? People don't do that by
hand, because it is tedious, but with sympy, it might be possible.
That'd be really cool.

>> Indeed, I agree with your conclusions, it'd be really cool to make
>> this work with brakets.
> It should be really shorter and simply. Can you guide me to get
> application for this idea?

Definitely. Go to the wiki:


and start crafting it up, then ask for feedback, and I and other
people will try to help.


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