I have very little contribution to the sympy code base (just one slight 
improvement/bug-fix as part of my GSoC 2012 application), but I did learn a 
lot in the process, and would like to try helping out as a mentor. Possibly 
learn more about sympy myself, in the process!
Is this possible/helpful, or would I just be increasing the drag on sympy's 


On Tuesday, 25 September 2012 00:32:18 UTC+5:30, Aaron Meurer wrote:
> Hi everyone. 
> Google has announced again that they are running Google Code In, and 
> has invited mentoring organizations to participate.  For those of you 
> who did not help out last year, Google Code In is a contest run by 
> Google in the (northern hemisphere) winter months for 13-17 year-olds. 
>  Several organizations create tasks suitable for such an audience, and 
> the mid- to high-school students compete to see who can complete the 
> most tasks.  Unlike GSoC, there is no pairing of mentors to students; 
> rather, there is a group of mentors for each org who can accept 
> students' work, and assist them. 
> Last year, we participated, and it was pretty successful.  Aside from 
> tons of bug and documentation fixes in the main SymPy code base, the 
> contest lead to many improvements to SymPy Live, including the current 
> design, the mobile version, tab completion, and the history. 
> So the question is, do we want to apply to participate again this 
> year?  The basic problem is one of manpower.  Participating requires a 
> lot of effort on the part of the mentors. Unlike GSoC, the students 
> require a lot more hand holding.  So we should only do it if enough 
> people are willing to help out.  The contest runs from November 26 to 
> January 14.  There is more information at 
> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/homepage/google/gci2012, 
> particularly the "Rules" and "FAQ" link.  See also 
> http://code.google.com/p/google-code-in/wiki/GCIMentorInformation2012 
> for some information on what we will have to do with regard to 
> creating tasks. 
> For those who helped out last year, you'll be glad to hear that they 
> made some important changes to the rules of the contest this year. In 
> particular, quoting from Stephanie Taylor's email to the mentor list: 
> - The point system has been overhauled and now every task is worth one 
> point.  The 5 students with the highest number of completed tasks with 
> your org will be the pool from which you, the mentoring org, will 
> choose your 2 Grand Prize winners based on the overall complete body 
> of work of those 5 students. 
> - There will be 10 Mentoring Orgs for a total of 20 Grand Prize 
> Winners (compared to 10 last year). 
> - Translation tasks will no longer be a part of the Google Code-in 
> contest, either as its own category or as a part of documentation 
> efforts. 
> - If students want to go for the Grand Prize they will work 
> predominantly with one org and will hopefully become involved with the 
> community of that org and will stay long after the GCI contest is 
> over. 
> - Students will not earn cash prizes for their work.  They will earn 
> certificates and t-shirts and then they can go for the grand prize if 
> they wish. 
> - The contest was shortened by a week at the beginning of the contest 
> period so it will now start after the Thanksgiving holidays in the 
> USA. 
> So I for one am really liking these overhauled rules. I think that 
> this should solve most, if not all, of the issues that we had with the 
> program last year. 
> I think the only issue for us then with regards to applying or not is, 
> as I said, if we have enough manpower to handle mentoring the 
> students.  If you think you can help for at least some time period 
> between November 26 to January 14, please let me know here, so I can 
> get a feel for if we should apply or not.  The requirements for being 
> a mentor are minimal.  If you have contributed to SymPy before, and 
> (obviously) if you don't plan to participate in GCI as a student, then 
> you are probably OK to help out.  We basically just need people to 
> review the massive amount code that comes in in a timely manner. 
> Aaron Meurer 

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