On 14/05/2020 01:13, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
On Wed, 13 May 2020 at 23:39, David Bailey <d...@dbailey.co.uk> wrote:
Dear Group,

I notice this item in the highlights of 1.6.

DEPRECATION: Passing Poly as the integrand to the integrate function or 
Integral class is now deprecated. Use the integrate method instead e.g. Poly(x, 

I do feel a little uneasy about pushing people to use object oriented syntax 
rather than the integrate function is undesirable. I mean for mathematicians 
and others who have not come across object oriented programming, I would have 
thought the dot notation does not come naturally and will confuse because it 
suggests a product! This notation is also alien to Mathematica, which many will 
be familiar with.
Hi David,

Perhaps this is similar to the other thread in that the release note
emphasises what someone should worry about in case their code might
break rather than what the real rationale for the change is.

Poly objects are not something that most users need to use. For
example you can integrate a polynomial like this:

     >>> from sympy import Symbol, integrate
     >>> x = Symbol('x')
     >>> p = x**2 + x
     >>> integrate(p, x)
     x**3/3 + x**2/2

This integrates a polynomial just fine. The object p here would be
known mathematically as a polynomial but in sympy jargon it is an
instance of Expr rather than of Poly. Poly is a class separate from
Expr that has different methods and behaves in different ways and is
intended to be used in particular contexts where every object is known
to be a polynomial and more general expression classes are

What has changed in sympy 1.6 is that Poly is no longer a subclass of
Expr and the ways in which Poly and Expr can be interchanged have been
reduced. For example in sympy 1.5.1 you can do:

     >>> from sympy import Poly, Symbol, exp
     >>> x = Symbol('x')
     >>> p = Poly(x**2, x)
     >>> p
     Poly(x**2, x, domain='ZZ')
     >>> p * exp(x)

What happened here is that we had a Poly but then we multiplied it by
something that couldn't be represented as a Poly because x**2*exp(x)
is not polynomial in x so the result was implicitly converted to an
Expr. Had we multiplied by something else the result might have been a

     >>> p*x
     Poly(x**3, x, domain='ZZ')

So sometimes Poly*Expr gives an Expr and sometimes a Poly. This is not
easy to work with programmatically because Poly and Expr have
completely different methods and attributes.

In SymPy 1.6 Poly and Expr are more clearly separate. The calculation
above will still be the same but will give a warning:

   >>> from sympy import Poly, Symbol, exp
   >>> x = Symbol('x')
   >>> p = Poly(x**2, x)
   >>> p * exp(x)
   Mixing Poly with non-polynomial expressions in binary operations has
   been deprecated since SymPy 1.6. Use the as_expr or as_poly method to
   convert types instead. See https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/18613
   for more info.

This is showing that if you wanted a product like Expr*Expr -> Expr
then you should convert the Poly to Expr first. Otherwise if you
wanted Poly*Poly->Poly then you should convert the Expr to a Poly (and
specify the generator). Methods as_expr and as_poly are provided for
these conversions.

This might seem confusing if you haven't used the Poly class much but
remember that most users have no need to use the Poly class. If you do
want to use the Poly class then it is very useful for certain things.
One example is that integrating a polynomial can be implemented much
more efficiently than integrating a general expression which is why
Poly has an integrate method that can do this for you. So anyone who
is currently using Poly with the integrate function is advised that
the simple fix to their code is to use the Poly.integrate method.


Well I assumed all along that Poly objects were a much more efficient way of representing  polynomials - presumably an array of tuples of coefficients and exponents where the coefficient is non-zero. If these things are all converted back before the user gets the result, that is just fine. The comparison with Mathematica is interesting, but maybe lead me astray. There there are multiple types of objects (e.g. integers, integer arrays, etc) that behave and display identically to users but have a different internal structures and iner-rconvert silently as required.


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