Hi, I'm writing a notebook to reproduce what I can see in this wikipedia 

The problem is the CAP 4, I'm looking forward to get the result that follow 
that text:
dove K è una costante. Dunque: (latex folleow)
{\displaystyle v_{C}(t)=v_{C}(0)e^{-{\frac {t}{\tau }}}+K\cos(\omega 
t+\theta )} 

This is my code, running in a colab notebook:
# define the independent variable ‘t’
from sympy.abc import t
import sympy as sp
import math
w = 2 * math.pi * 50

# define dependent variable in symbol form
vc = sp.symbols('vc', cls=sp.Function)
C, R, vo = sp.symbols('C R vo')
cos = sp.cos

diffeq = vc(t).diff(t) + (1/(R*C))*vc(t) - (vo*cos(w*t)/(R*C))
res = sp.dsolve(diffeq, ics={vc(0): 0})


The result is really confused, compared to the nice wikipedia result.
Is there a way to get the same result? (follow the latex)

{\displaystyle v_{C}(t)=v_{C}(0)e^{-{\frac {t}{\tau }}}+K\cos(\omega 
t+\theta )} 

Thanks so much

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