After my account was node-reassigned I noticed what looked like a simple bookmark reorder problem for an item in the toolbar, so I dug into my logs. I only had "Debug" logs for my desktop machine, but had full "Trace" logs for the laptop. The 3rd device I have is Android Beta (and sadly/obviously, have no logs for that.) The logs I do have only go back 10 days, so I can't witness the very start of this strange event.

tl;dr - Android appears implicated in somehow changing the GUID of (or creating a brand-new duplicate of) an existing record.

The initial problem was a livemark named "Planet Mozilla" which is in the middle of my toolbar. The laptop clearly shows this item has (well, had!) an ID of 9UnK7VrxjPbe. After node reassignment this bookmark appears at the end of the toolbar.

Before the node reassignment, desktop and the laptop were both (but not at the same time) trying a repair and asking for an item GUID lBX8pyjeaaBG - neither of the devices had this item. This ID becomes relevant later.

The logs indicate:

* At 2017-03-14 16:13:24, the desktop saw the node reassignment. It got a 404 for meta/global, so it appears this was the first device to upload everything - this was successful (but obviously lBX8pyjeaaBG is still missing)

* At 2017-03-14 19:14:44, desktop saw some incoming records, including "toolbar" and "lBX8pyjeaaBG" (ie, the item the repair was trying to find) - and Desktop de-duped this item to 9UnK7VrxjPbe (ie, the existing record 9UnK7VrxjPbe has its ID changed to lBX8pyjeaaBG.) Sadly, Debug logs for desktop means I can't see much about those items. Note that the laptop is still asleep at this point, so this is almost certainly Android noticing reassignment and uploading these records.

* At 2017-03-14 19:57:45 laptop woke and saw node reassignment. It saw an incoming tombstone for 9UnK7VrxjPbe (as expected - desktop wrote that as part of deduping) and an incoming record for lBX8pyjeaaBG and "toolbar". The toolbar record has lBX8pyjeaaBG as the *last* child.

* End result is that the bookmark which appears to have been moved is actually a completely *different* bookmark record - but with the same content - at the end of the folder.

So, my guesses about this:

* Android is the only device that had the ID lBX8pyjeaaBG, as neither laptop nor desktop were able to find it as part of a repair.

* Desktop and the laptop both knew this item existed, so I suspect that some time ago (ie, before reassignment) Android somehow managed to upload a new version of "toolbar" - possibly with *both* 9UnK7VrxjPbe (at its original position) and lBX8pyjeaaBG (at the end) - but never actually wrote the record for lBX8pyjeaaBG. It seems possible it somehow changed the local GUID of that record and then got confused? (It's unfortunate desktop didn't have Trace logs for the first evidence of Android writing "toolbar" and this mystery record - my desktop now does trace logging :)

* Node reassignment caused Android to reupload what was missing from the server (which included this missing item), but desktop de-duped it, causing it to appear as though it was simply moved (when in reality it is a completely new record in a different location)

Any thoughts/comments?

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