On Mon, 2017-01-30 at 19:27 +0100, deloptes wrote:
> Hi,
> I build debian packages from syncevolution-1.5.2 for the Trinity desktop.
> However when I isntall the packages and try run a test sync I get following
> error
> SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG=3 syncevolution -r loglevel=6 nokia_N5530 addressbook
> [DEBUG 00:00:00] SuspendFlags: (re)activating, currently inactive
> [DEBUG 00:00:00] SuspendFlags: activating signal handler(s) with fds 8->7
> [DEBUG 00:00:00] SuspendFlags: catch signal 2
> [DEBUG 00:00:00] SuspendFlags: catch signal 15
> Fatal: Undefined function 'RELAXEDCOMPARE' in script at line 58
> Fatal error 20010, no valid configuration could be read from XML file
> [ERROR 00:00:01] internal error, invalid XML configuration (without
> datastores):
> When I compile and install in a custom directory the same code works.
> Do you have an idea where I had to look for the root cause?

'RELAXEDCOMPARE' is provided by src/sysync/multifielditemtype.cpp in
libsynthesis. In the case where it fails you need to check which
libsynthesis was getting used and why it doesn't provide that function. 

$ strings /usr/lib/libsynthesis.so.0 | grep 'RELAXEDCOMPARE'

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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