2016-02-12 18:20 GMT+06:00  <d.j....@free.fr>:
> Yop,
>>Hello, Djay!
>>Thanks for taking bringing this up. ^__^
>>2016-02-10 14:52 GMT+06:00  <d.j.a.y@...>:
>>> 1) What do you think about engage the process of a bug fix release for the 
>>> 1.0.x series ?
>>> bug fix :
>>> * current file version
>>> * guide crash (merge pending)
>>> * guide rulers remove
>>> enhancement:
>>> * appdata
>>> * hide all handles alt+0
>>> * select param from handle
>>> * split tangent indicator
>>In the current situation I feel reasonable to release 1.2.0, based on
>>current master branch.
>>I think that master branch is stable enough, so instead of doing two
>>releases (1.0.3 and 1.2.0) we can save our time and release only one.
> >From my side, i don't think master branch is stable enough ...
> We definitively need more test and more fixes (and you know, it's mainly what 
> i try to do ... )
Yes, your testing work is much appreciated.

> Too much new features are not stable/tested enough (brush / bones / several 
> dead lock with mutex....)

Brush functionality is the same as in 1.0.2. In any case, Brus
functionality is still at experimental status. i doubt someone using
it seriously at its current state.

Bones functionality is the same as in 1.0.2.

Whats with mutex?

> I report some... i miss to report others (i suspect problems with linking / 
> export -Parabolic Shoot- with optimized rendering)

Optimized rendering engine (Cobra) is surely unstable. But we don't
force people to use it. They can stick with Legacy.

> I have the regret to say that Synfig (from the dev version point of view) is 
> losting the stability it just kept in the previous releases.

I don't see serious regressions in master. Quite opposite, there are
lot problems resolved, comparing to 1.0.2 or even 1.0.3.

>>In 1.2.0 we will have:
>>* Testing version of Cobra (as experimental feature)
>>* Lipsync / Papagayo integration
>>* New preferences dialogue
>>* C++11 compatibility
>>* anything else I forgot ^__^
>>I believe those features are highly demanded by users and can help
>>bring attention to the project.
> I believe a very stable synfig with all the feature polished (bones:yes but 
> IK ? / brush:yes but crash and slow / .... ) it already have will kept the 
> attention to the project...

Polishing Bones and Brushes will take several months. We don't have
money for that right now.  In fact, even Cobra development is on the
edge And, in any case I prefer to polish those features in master, not
in 1.0,x branch, because otherwise we will have pain with merge.

P.S. BTW, we can't resolve brush speed issues without optimized
rendering engine.

On the other hand, I understand your points. At the moment I am busy
with mentoring Cobra development and managing production of Morevna
Episode 3 (which is a testing ground for Cobra and other software). If
I have time for 1.0.3, then I surely will do. But at the moment I see
that releasing "most what we have now" is a better way to go.

Best Regards,

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