On 01/10/2018 01:25 PM, Jens Schleusener wrote:
On Wed, 10 Jan 2018, Dave Jones wrote:

On 01/10/2018 08:48 AM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
Can you turn on debugging and perhaps add it to retry again?  I am trying to figure out if it is one server with an issue.

We have added a number of new sa-update mirrors recently.  Check the MIRRORED.BY file and do ping/traceroutes AND wget/curls to each server. There could be a local routing problem getting to one of them from your location/ISP.



I am the maintainer of one of the new sa-update mirrors

Just an observation (although I am not very familiar with the complete
update mechanismn):

For e.g. today between

  10/Jan/2018:09:34:29 +0100


  10/Jan/2018:09:40:04 +0100

I saw in the web logs of the mirror 76 GET requests to /1820725.tar.gz
with a 404 ("Not Found") response code (only an that time interval).

The file 1820725.tar.gz has on the mirror server the last modification date "Jan 10 09:31" and the rsync logs shows that the file 1820725.tar.gz was fetched at

  Jan 10 09:40:11 CET 2018

So some client hosts have probably the information that 1820725.tar.gz is
the freshest update file before the mentioned mirror server has rsynced
that file.

Similar effects I found in the days before with roughly 80 "404 (Not Found)" requests against roughly 61000 "200 (Ok)" requests.

Can it be possible that the failed SHA1 verification is caused by that

If yes, is the mirror frequency too low (on sa-update.fossies.org currently 10 minutes) or is the information about the current update file too early available to the clients?

But maybe I have misinterpreted the situation.



I think you are spot on. The DNS updates used to have a delay to give the mirrors time to update. The DNS TTL for the TXT records is currently 1 hour. I realize that some DNS caches that don't have the TXT record already cached are going to update quickly a few seconds after the TXT is updated with the new ruleset information.

It does look like there is a few minutes time when DNS has updated before all mirrors are sync'd so I will add a 10 minute delay to the DNS updates to give the mirrors time to pull the latest rulesets.


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