
I think the answer to your question is "by defining a standard so vendors are 
encouraged to use a common approach rather than everybody using their own 
vendor-specific proprietary approach."

If we were not trying to define an industry standard, I wouldn't see the point of 
doing this work in the IETF.

David Harrington
co-chair, IETF SNMPv3 WG

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Magosányi Árpád [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 11:39 AM
> To: Glenn Mansfield Keeni
> Subject: Re: syslog-mib
> Hi!
> How do you plan to address that each syslog implementation
> have different configureable parameters and configuration
> approaches? For an example see syslog-ng documentation at
> http://www.balabit.hu/static/syslog-ng/reference/book1.html
> I could not see if this is a goal of the MIB, But if it
> isn't, then I cannot see the point of having one.
> --
> GNU GPL: csak tiszta forrásból

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