Hi Folks,

Summer Vacation Time is upon us again and I know what you're thinking.  You've
got to spend some quality time with your family on that long vacation trip and
you'd really like to get something meaningful accomplished when you're not
putting in that "quality time".  So why not take along a copy of our current
IDs?  You can thoughtfully review them while your "significant other" and/or
kids are out shopping at the Disney store.  What could be more restful and
relaxing - the true value of a vacation?   :-)

At your liesure you could send us comments on the syslog-sign ID:


This is the latest version from Jon and John.  Albert Meitus has offered
these comments (available in the maillist archive):
(I believe that the Fragment Length integer should be expressed as that
integer as well but wasn't converted over from the base64 with other
fields in an earlier draft.)

You could also think about sending in comments on the syslog-mib ID:


Glenn got this in just before the Vienna meeting ID cutoff date.

I'd also like to start some discussions about "internationalization" of
syslog messages.  Right now the syslog-sign ID continues the
recommendation that almost everything be kept in US-ASCII.  I'd like to
leave that as it is, but have a subsequent ID which standardizes the
fields that may be changed to different character sets and how that may be
identified.  For example, I think that the PRI and TIMESTAMP fields should
be left as they are defined in syslog-sign.  The HOSTNAME, TAG and MSG
fields should probably be fair-game for international characters.  'Now'
is a good time to get this started so that we can let Darren New and
Marshall Rose consider this while they are updating RFC 3195.  Your
thoughts and opinions are solicited.

Thanks and have a safe and happy summer vacation,

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