Hi Folks,

Below are the minutes from the syslog WG meeting held yesterday here at
the IETF.  I wish to sincerely thank Richard Graveman for these superb
notes.  These notes are consistent with my recollection of the meeting and
if no one objects, I will post them to the IESG as official.  Apologies
but no one in the room had jabber on their machine so we missed that.


---notes as taken by Richard Graveman---

Security Issues in Network Event Logging WG (syslog WG; Sec Area)

Notes from Richard Graveman, RFG Security.

Chair: Chris Lonvick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Additional information is available at

Issue tracking is in use.

I.    Review of Scope and Charter (Chris)                       10 min.

There were no changes to the agenda. The agenda and on-line information
were reviewed. The work is to secure the transport of logs. Content is
out of scope. They produced RFCs 3164 and 3195. Protocol, UDP transport,
sign, device MIB, and Internationalization drafts are in progress.

II.   Update of "syslog Protocol" ID (Rainer or proxy)          30 min.


The three layers are application, protocol, and transport. 3164 is the
two lower layers. 3195 touches the application. Sign and International
are mostly the two higher layers. A new concept for aligning documents
within these layers was proposed, which leads to six documents instead
of four. UDP and 3195; protocol, and then international and sign, etc.
at the application layer.

Protocol describes devices, relays, collectors, protocol layers,
simplex communications, common header, structured data, classical
free-form messages, and security considerations.

There is no two-way communications, except for RFC 3195 which is over
TCP. End-to-end (duplex) would be an entirely different protocol.

Transport layer mapping: UDP being written; others, including TCP,
later. The protocol ID is not completely backward compatible.
Non-compliant messages will be treated as messages without a header. WG
consensus that a solid base is more important than backwards
compatibility. The new HEADER has more fields, including a version
number. TIMESTAMP is better defined. John Kelsey introduced structured
data elements. Used for extended functionality. Assigned by IANA.
Extensible. The ID s defined are msgpart, time, and origin, with more to
come. Time zones were debated. IP addresses are preferable to hostnames.

Multi-part messaging: 1280 is the maximum message size. A message
segmentation scheme exists. Downstream message splitting is proposed.

Semantics questions were on facility (issue 5) and TAG (issue 16).

Issue 13 states that syslog-protocol currently dictates many details.
There is a tradeoff between ambiguity and security. The notes could be
moved to an Informational RFC. There was no objection to this.

Relay operations may be described in the -protocol document or described
briefly with the rest deferred. It will be left for now.

Message size was discussed: current maximum is 1280. Removing this
restriction was proposed. It could become a transport issue.

Comments and feedback are solicited.
See http://www.syslog.cc/ietf/protocol.html.

III.  Introduction of "syslog Transport" ID (Anton or proxy)    15 min.



This is a standards track ID to replace 3164. It defines UDP over port
514 as MUST. One datagram per syslog message. One datagram per msg part
for multi-part. UDP checksums RECOMMENDED. IP fragmentation SHOULD be
avoided. Recommends 548 bytes maximum message size to avoid
fragmentation. (S. Bellovin drew a comparison with the DNS message size
limit of 512.

Reliability is a separate section: lost, corrupted, congestion control,
un-sequenced delivery, and increased risk of loss with IP fragmentation.
Many sec considerations: authenticity, authentication, forgery,
eavesdropping, replay, unreliability, no prioritization, DoS, and covert

There was no objection to this approach, which simplifies the
syslog-protocol document.

IV.   Update of "syslog-sign" ID (Jon or proxy)                 15 min.


Slightly on hold while the protocol issues are resolved. Parts can be
removed based on the above protocol and transport. IANA considerations
need to be done.

The current document is transport independent. It can be used with
classic syslog or home-grown applications. No objection to this.

V.    Update of "syslog-device-mib" ID (Glenn Mansfield Keeni)  30 min.


This started with modest ambitions and became more complicated. After
more reflection, the current -05 draft emerged. The name "device" is
Purpose is to monitor syslog operation: message stats, received,
processed, relayed. Security considerations need to address READONLY
threats and other threats.

The following issues are resolved:
Issue 1: Written, and feedback is requested.
Issue 2: Make the MIB generic (now BSD centric)
Issue 3: Do not overlap with HR-MIB. provide mapping to hrSWRunTable.
  Remove syslogParamsProcessStatus (or make it readOnly), add
  The syslogProcReference OBJECT-TYPE was shown.
Issue 4: Add SNMP notification. The MIB will not address syslog over SNMP.
Issue 5: Add "no DNS lookup"
Issue 6: Use the MIB to control and configure syslog. The suggestion was
  to do this with ScriptMIB. The syslog.conf semantics are not part of
  this, but a script can be transferred to a host, which can deal with
  syslog.conf. Much complexity

The next draft is scheduled for April: DESCRIPTION clauses, REFERENCE
clauses, editorial items.

VI.   Wrap-up and review of decisions made (Chris)              10 min.

There were no additional items. There was no objection to the plan to
proceed as described in the discussion items.

Meeting adjourned at 16:34.


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