On Mon, 01.12.14 17:10, Nekrasov, Alexander (alexander.nekra...@emc.com) wrote:

> Hello,
> While converting from Upstart to SystemD, came upon this issue. Is this case 
> not covered or am I missing something?
> In Upstart, I can start a job when another job fails, and there's a $JOB 
> variable that tells me what was the job that failed.
> start on (stopped RESULT=failed PROCESS=post-stop)
> script
>     echo "this just failed: $JOB"
> end script
> In SystemD I can register a unit to be started when another unit
> fails. But there seems to be no way of knowing what unit failed. Is
> that correct?

The idea is that you use "OnFailure=myfailureunit@%n.service". %n is
automatically replaced by the name of the unit you place this
in. Then, in the failure unit you can identify the instance again with
%i or %I.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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