On Sun, 07.12.14 14:37, Tom Gundersen (t...@jklm.no) wrote:

> Hi David,
> We may want to introduce a mechanism for installed, but not enabled
> configuration snippets, but we haven't quite figured it out yet.
> In the meantime, you can give your files a custom suffix or keep them in a
> sub directory, then either move or symlink to enable. This is likely how
> the upstream blessed mechanism will look like, rather than having a boolean
> inside the config files.

Yeah, I think we should just suggest people to rename files they want
to disable. We should probably recommend a convention though, for
example ".disabled" as suffix. We should recommend the convention
simply because in some cases we want the option to place multiple file
types the same dir, and we need to make sure that whatever people
rename things to doesn't turn it into something we might consider a
valid file name later on again.

I am tempted to just say ".disabled" as suffix is the easiest option,
but maybe somebody has better ideas?


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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