On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 7:02 AM, David Herrmann <dh.herrm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 7:48 PM, Lucas De Marchi
> <lucas.de.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Of course this is a non-issue for several projects in github which
>> don't have proper commit
>> review. It's not the case of systemd and it seems it's even the reason
>> why you are moving
>> to github.  So I'm just curious if anything changed in this regard or
>> you solved it in another
>> way.
> github attaches code-reviews to the actual git commits. The PR
> displays all comments on the commits in the given branch. As long as
> those commits stay part of the PR, the comments will remain. However,
> if people force-push corrected commits, the old commits are no longer
> linked in any way to the PR and thus will not be shown. You can still
> access them by directly looking at the old commit, though.
> With their model, I understand why old reviews are lost on force-push.
> You can work around this, by including the sha256 in your PR comments
> after a review. Those comments remain and you can look at the old
> reviews this way. They'll not be linked in a shiny way (but that's the
> same if you resend your mails on an ML..).

I can be proven wrong, but I don't think you can actually do what you're saying.
If you force push a branch you actually lose the comments on the previous set.
Being able to access the old commit is pure luck while there isn't a gc on
the remote repository.

Also, comments on a commit of a pull request are attached to the
*forked repository*,
not the repository in which the pull request was made. So if the
remote is deleted,
upstream can't see them anymore.  Upstream still have the commits under
refs/pull/<pull-req-number>/head (the last iteration of the patch
set), but comments
are gone.

Lucas De Marchi
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