so the intelligence on this list has labelled ,among others, the following to 
be overrated:

James Dean . . . yeah youre right, he only influenced every actor to come 
after him . .  . hes overrated.

Jim Morrison . . . one of the most important figures in Rock n Roll history, 
but yeah hell, overrated as well

John F. Kennedy . . . do the words "crossroads of American history" mean 
anything to anybody?  umm, hasnt the assasination of JFK been referred to as 
a"loss of innocence in America?"  and apparently someone (well, more than one 
person) considered him a bit too influential.  Take note - American history, 
society, culture, and values pre- (interesting word) and post-JFK are 
distinctly different.  Kennedy's time in office has changed everything if you 
want to know the truth.


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