I recall going to one of the old ITA Pro Indoor track meets.  I recall a
picture, possibly on the cover, of Delamere in his WSU jersey.  My older
brother and I started doing it too.  He ended up a whacked out skier
doing all kinds of flips and me, well, though never injured doing a flip,
chose an event, shall we say, much closer to the ground, at least
according to the human eye.  I say bring it back, maybe we can win some
X-Gamers over.
Allen James

> > Subject: t-and-f: long jump with a flip
> > 
> > Someone who knows far more about track than I do wrote:
> > 
> >> I seem to recall that long jump with a flip looked like a 
> mechanical
> >> improvement before it was banned.
> > 
> > That must have been a truly revolutionary technique.  Who was 
> doing it, and
> > when, and how far?  >
> A quick history, just off the top of my head: Idaho State coach Dave 
> Nielsen
> is pictured in the pages of T&FN around '73 using the technique. At 
> the '74
> Pac-8 meet in the LA Coliseum, John Delamere of Washington State 
> absolutely
> blew the crowd away by using the style. As I recall, jumped 
> somehting like
> 25-4 3/4 wind-aided. In '75 Bruce Jenner used it and added about a 
> foot to
> his best, but the IAAF shortly thereafter banned the technique, 
> citing
> "safety issues." I think they were premature in so doing.
> I think Delamere went on to become a member of the New Zealand 
> parliament.
> gh 

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