On 1/31/10 12:36 PM, Dave F. wrote:
> John Smith wrote:
>> On 1 February 2010 02:34, Dave F.<dave...@madasafish.com>  wrote:
>>> The width=* tag doesn't fit when you have a gradual change in width as
>>> you would do on a track.
>> I would have thought that was the best case for Richard's suggestion,
>> irregular shapes being the worst case.
> If your referring to the Watkins Glenn configuration (Some of Richard's
> posts may not have come through to me)&  I'm understanding Richards
> requirements, the River/Riverbank could be the solution:
> Use multi-polygons for the boundaries of the track/pit lanes etc. Then
> add separate ways for to indicate each track configuration.
this seems like it could be reasonable to me.

i'll look at some of the tracks i've been pondering (watkins glen, 
pocono) and how it might

pocono supports the case that direction should be on relations, not on 
ways, as it is one
of the tracks where certain sections might be run in either direction 
depending on the
selected configuration for the event.

i've been considering the irregularity issues, and the case that jumps 
out at me is from
Lime Rock (lat=41.927452&lon=-73.377929), at the end of the main 
straight where
you turn right to enter big bend (turns 1&2), or go straight onto the 
escape road if you're
having too much fun.

unfortunately, available imagery of lime rock predates the recent 
the pavement extensions at the uphill (lat=41.925321&lon=-73.386952) 
need to be
considered as well.

and now you've got me pondering likely/potential uses for the data. 
there's a large can
with many worms in it lurking here. who are the potential consumers? 
(and having written
all this, i can understand arguments that much may not belong in the map)

drivers: they won't get the bulk of their information but they might 
come to check
what configuration is being used on a weekend. they will get at best 
cursory ideas
of the line from this kind of data. on the other hand, Anthony's garmin 
nuvi screenshot
is intriguing, as it goes directly to one of the ocular driving 
techniques that racers use.
however, it more makes the case for having a way to integrate photos 
with a camera
model. there is an inherent limitation here as the model of a way in the 
representing a course segment is unlikely to be on the racing line.

crew/crew chiefs: entry to the facility, paddock, registration, tech, 
and for large rigs,
how to get in/out.

officials: if new to a track, they want to know where their stations are.
corner workers (flag marshals to the europeans reading this want to know 
the flag stand
locations/numbers and the turn numbers.) as a scrutineer, i worry about 
where the grid,
pit lane, and my impound lot are located (i also worry about where the 
tower is, because
that's full of stewards and no one wants to go there). stewards 
generally need all the help
they can get just finding the tower.

fans: facility entrance, parking, seating, concession stands

and of course everyone wants to know where the clean restrooms are hidden.


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