I've used 'smell' on the proposal; I think more people will know that word!

As an aside, there's a playground viewer app here:


which shows (as blue icons) any playgrounds created with the new
schema. It's experimental at the moment, working with a snapshot of
planet from last week. It runs on my mighty 400MHz Via C3 box, so
occasionally the database server runs out of steam, especially when
viewing large areas - be patient! username/passwd for that page is

I notice that there are a few playgrounds with the new schema popping
up; I think this will become a really useful resource for parents,
given a little time and a bit more coding.

All the best,


On 16 May 2010 02:46, Bill Ricker <bill.n1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> re sensory=? to smell?
> Perhaps the word you want is Olfactory ?
> --
> Bill
> n1...@arrl.net bill.n1...@gmail.com
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