Hi all,
Did this discussion die out? The following two suggestions seem pretty sensible:

(There is no bike lane, but a rideable shoulder).

(There are marking on the road for bikes, but not an exclusive bike lane).

The term "sharrow" was unfamiliar to me, but it seems to perfectly describe this situation. Around here we have something like that - no arrows, but just a painted bicycle symbol with no line. (Alternatives might be cycleway=markings, cycleway=shared...)

Sure, we could debate the shoulder thing forever, but "cycleway=shoulder" is easy, and covers 90% of the reasons for mapping it: so cyclists can distinguish between roads that have rideable shoulders and those that don't.


On 30/07/2010 9:40 PM, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 6:39 AM, Daniel Tremblay<tremb...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Regarding my cycleway=no_shoulder suggestion, here are a couple of example
we see often in Quebec, where car and bicycle share the road without
shoulders :


Maybe these example should be coded as cycleway=designated ?
The first is a typical "share the road" sign, simply warning drivers
that there may be bikes and that they should follow the laws that
apply to all roads that bikes can use. The second appears to be a
"sharrow" or something like it, again telling drivers that there may
be bikes, but also (hopefully) showing cyclists a safe place to ride
(this is more relevant on busier roads where cyclists may be tempted
to ride too far to the right for their own safety). I wouldn't tag the
former as anything, and the latter might be cycleway=sharrow; of
course if either is part of a marked cycle route it would get the
appropriate *cn tag.

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