Am 07.09.2010 18:54, schrieb Brad Neuhauser:
I guess I'm a little confused by the description "A place producing or
processing customised goods" as it doesn't seem to fit some of these
occupations, especially what I'd think of as the "building trades":
HVAC, electrician, carpentry, carpet, roofing, plaster, plumber, etc.
Maybe "A place" is the wrong part. A carpentry is producing a customised good (eg. a house) or at least it's processing a part of it (the carpet), but this does no happen at the node's place.

  At least in the US, these workers usually do their work on-site, and
while they may have a office or building they're based at, they may or
may not even go there daily.  So, nothing much is "produced or
processed" at the location that would be tagged in OSM.  So, maybe a
different description, or different tag for these. I see there's already
a different usage described on the wiki for shop=trade, but to me, it
would make sense to tag shop=trade, trade=plumbing|roofing etc.

shop=trade reads "A place of business that specifically sells one or more building supplies such as timber/wood, cement etc." so it's about selling. craft=carpentry is about using the material sold there to actually do something.

One side note
One side note from me I'd ask for your understanding: It's so hard to follow all these wording issues if you're no native speaker. I really need your help to find the correct terminology.


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