On Mon, 27 Sep 2010 04:14:19 -0400, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:48 AM, David Paleino
> <da...@debian.org> wrote:
> > On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 21:26:27 -0400, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
> >
> >> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Proposed_features%2FIce_cream&action=historysubmit&diff=532984&oldid=531944
> >> This doesn't seem quite right.
> >
> > 27-18 + 1 abstain, seems an "approved" to me. Controversial, yes, but
> > approved.
> A vote that starts out with almost all approves and ends up with
> almost all opposes is not controversial but fishy. The line between
> most approves and most opposes is when it was posted to this list; in
> other words most approve votes were made before it was announced.
> Almost every one of those approves is by someone living in Italy,
> which suggests discussion on the Italian mailing list or other
> discussion among a small group in an echo chamber. Once it was
> belatedly announced here, most new voters opposed it. It's very
> possible that the outcome would have been different had it been
> announced here promptly (or, to be fair, it may have been the same,
> with the Italian bloc voting the same way).

How would you call then shop=ice_cream, sneaked in the wiki without any
discussion or voting or anything else?

> And now we have a tag that replaces all ice cream places, thus
> providing less information than the former amenity=cafe/fast_food/etc.
> cuisine=ice_cream. How is this a good thing?

You can tag whatever way you like.
If you think that amenity=cafe/fast_food/... + cuisine= is better, just use it.
AIUI "Map features" are just "suggestions".

Also, I believe the icecream tagging should be improved. There are places
selling icecreams, but not mainly them, so I'd suggest using
"ice_cream=yes" (also to avoid multivalue). Say, amenity=cafe, ice_cream=yes (a
cafe also selling wrapped icecreams is different from an icecream parlour,
selling self-made icecream).

On a related note: me and some other people on #osm-it were thinking about
re-organizing the "food" tagging (take "food" as an example in the following).
Something like: amenity=food + food=cafe|fast_food|restaurant|... This way,
we would avoid the amenity "overcrowding", and have a more structured tagging

However, we couldn't find a proper value for amenity= (in place of the above
"food") to make a draft proposal. Maybe "catering", but none of us liked it


(sorry for hijacking the thread, but I feel it's a good place/time to talk about

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