On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 08:31:08 +0200
Peter Körner <osm-li...@mazdermind.de> wrote:

> Am 15.10.2010 08:21, schrieb Stephen Hope:
> > So the sign "Rue Bouganville St" would be name:en=Bouganville
> > Street, name:fr=Rue Bouganville, but what would you put in name=?
> Exactly what's on the sign: "Rue Bouganville St"
> Peter

That immediately violates the rule of not putting an abbreviation for a
street name.
However it is not Rue Bougainville Street either
"Rue Bougainville" or "Bougainville Street" are alternate names.
Which should have precedence is the question

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