2011/5/2 Pieren <pier...@gmail.com>:
> To stop a beginning of edit war
> (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Map_Features:historic&action=history),
> I would like try something new and ask your feedback about the tag
> history=event wiki page.
> This tag is the result of a former discussion about immaterial historical
> "significant" events on this ML
> (http://gis.638310.n2.nabble.com/What-to-map-a-site-of-historical-significants-td6300403.html).
> Since every one is allowed to add almost every thing in the database (as
> soon as it is verifiable), the question is not to "vote or approve a tag"
> (since the definition is quite clear) but only if this tag can be referenced
> in the "Map Features" (remember the wiki page that defines itself as
> "agreeing to a recommended set of features"). If a majority does not like
> it, the wiki page remains but it is not referenced in the "Map Features"
> (helping those who are searching about historic events or finds the tag in
> the db).
> To participate, it's here:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:historic%3Devent

Thank you Pieren. I would use "event:date" instead of "date". To make
it more useful there should IMHO also be a list of suggested
event-types (like the suggested robbery) (I'd simply start with a few
suggestions from the thread and add everything else that might be
needed at the time it is used).

To reduce the danger of edit wars: what about _not_ defining the
events explicitly "significant" (most of German Wikipedia disputes are
about "relevance criteria" and I'd rather avoid similar discussions in
OSM if possible). Of course we all expect only "significant" events to
be mapped, but requiring it explicitly will encourage others to delete
stuff and say: but it was not significant (enough).


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