It's not an organisation. It's a permanent contest (event, thing) organised
by an organisation. An organisation can start several such movements. The
Hungarian Ramblers's Association has more than a hundred with thousands of
checkpoints. It's also a brochure with checkpoints (and usually a route) and
a badge. It's all that together. I summed it up in the wiki page.

I found this googling your examples:

Perhaps Themed Walk would be a good translation?


On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 12:54 AM, SomeoneElse

> On 15/07/2011 23:17, Zsolt Bertalan wrote:
>> Just read my message further.
> I did.  You said "Any organisation or association can start a tourism
> movement (TM).".  That's why I asked for an example, to enable a bit of
> googling.  Are you talking about something like the VVV in Holland, or the
> Ramblers Association, the Peak and Northern or the Lyke Wake Club, (or even
> informal arrangements like at the end of the Pennine Way) in England?
> Cheers,
> Andy
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