
I forgot about the fact, that El Camino and the Countrywide Blue Tour are
also Tourism Movements. I have links in the proposal. CBT has one route, El
Camino has several. So a TM can have several, one or none designated route.
I consider the individual trails on trail-blaze.com as Tourism Movements,
while trail-blaze.com is the organisation or operator. So I would tag a
cehckpoint on this as follows:

tourism_movement=The Ridgeway
name=Princes Risborough

I hope it's all clear now. It seems to me that there is no general term for
this in English as everybody use their own special term (walk, trail, route,
Is Themed Walk better than Tourism Movement or you just accept that it's a
thing coming from the Eastern Block and adopt the term for it?
We adopted hundreds of words from English, English have only a few Hungarian
loanwords (coach, goulash, saber, paprika, vizsla, komondor, puli, that's
it). Let's adopt this one! It's only a loan translation. :)


On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 1:26 AM, Zsolt Bertalan <herrber...@gmail.com>wrote:

> It's not an organisation. It's a permanent contest (event, thing) organised
> by an organisation. An organisation can start several such movements. The
> Hungarian Ramblers's Association has more than a hundred with thousands of
> checkpoints. It's also a brochure with checkpoints (and usually a route) and
> a badge. It's all that together. I summed it up in the wiki page.
> I found this googling your examples:
> http://walking.visitscotland.com/perfect-walks/
> Perhaps Themed Walk would be a good translation?
> Zsolt
> Herrbert74
> On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 12:54 AM, SomeoneElse <li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk
> > wrote:
>> On 15/07/2011 23:17, Zsolt Bertalan wrote:
>>> Just read my message further.
>> I did.  You said "Any organisation or association can start a tourism
>> movement (TM).".  That's why I asked for an example, to enable a bit of
>> googling.  Are you talking about something like the VVV in Holland, or the
>> Ramblers Association, the Peak and Northern or the Lyke Wake Club, (or even
>> informal arrangements like at the end of the Pennine Way) in England?
>> Cheers,
>> Andy
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