On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One regional mapper uses cycleway=shoulder for this, but I see that as
> sub-optimal, since it's primarily a shoulder, not a cycleway. It would be
> like putting cycleway=sidewalk whenever there's a smooth paved sidewalk.

I quite like "cycleway=shoulder". It describes exactly what's going
on: the cycling infrastructure at this point isn't a marked lane
(cycleway=lane), nor a segregated lane (cycleway=track), it's a sealed
road shoulder.

Could you elaborate on your objections?

The real complication arises when there are shoulders of varying
quality that are assessed (by cyclists) as being more or less suitable
for cycling - leading to issues of subjectivity. At least the
situation you describe appears objective: the surface was intended for
cycling on.


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