I would choose option b).

Even if all four lanes are one piece of carriageway, it is useful for routing directions etc to be able to make a distinction between the left and right parts of the road. Normal mortals are supposed to treat the solid white lines as if they were a brick wall anyway, and be on the correct part of the road before part 5 starts. If we start tagging exceptions to traffic laws for emergency vehicles then we have an awful lot of work to do...

I am not sure I would interpret the diagram in that way though; the fact that there are no arrows on the road from part 5 onwards suggests to me that there is no chance of changing your mind. I think the intention is that part 5 is the start of physical separation, but I might be wrong here.


On 15/10/2012 10:56, Martin Vonwald wrote:

Some kind of short how-would-you-tag-this-survey. Have a look at part
five of this motorway:

Only part 5 is relevant. Assume there is no physical separation just a
double line between the upper and lower two lanes. How would you tag
a) One way with lanes=4
b) Two separate ways with lanes=2 each
c) Tell me!

Please also reason your decision.

Many thanks in advance,

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