On 1/12/13 2:13 PM, dies38...@mypacks.net wrote:
I take it that you are suggesting the use of key:traffic_sign as the referent 
for the sign containing the adopt-a-highway information.  Though not said in 
the Wiki page ( http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:traffic_sign ), I 
generally think of a traffic sign as something which is meant to influence your 
driving behavior in some way, such as speed limit or city limit (the latter 
indicating that the laws governing your driving might just have changed).  
Maybe I'm over interpreting the key. --ceyockey

not necessarily. but it does set a pattern for how signs facing traffic are done.
perhaps information_sign= and use name= instead of organization=

mind you i still don't understand the use case for the data and and think this is likely
to be a bunch of information that never gets maintained properly.


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