To me, the Schutzstreifen example should be tagged a bike lane.

This page discusses an example of what I'd see as the shared lane (see
photo at bottom of page)...

(tl;dr: by state law in Minnesota (and I'm assuming other places), cars are
legally supposed to share the road with bikes, the signage just reinforces
that for both drivers and cyclists.)

...which matches up exactly with what it says on the wiki.

Regarding "sharrow", the wiki says it means the same as shared lane, but
may have different signage.  Maybe they should be merged in the wiki (ie in
the shared lane description add "includes sharrows")

The Minneapolis chart of bike markings actually uses the sharrow sign as an
example of shared lane:   Also, if you look
at these examples, the lanes with dashed lines are areas where vehicles may
be merging in or through the bike lane (ie for turning near an
intersection)--the dashed lines are there more for the cars than the bikes.

Nowhere on the cycleway wiki page does it discuss bikes being required to
use bike lanes.  I'm not sure how you'd tag that if it were the case.


On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Balgofil <> wrote:

> >
> > Judging from the description, "shared_lane" means that there are bike
> > markings on the side of the road, but no full lane. We have something
> > like that here: usually a bike symbol with a metre or so of dotted
> > line next to it.
> >
> Here is an image of a "Schutzstreifen":
> So is that the same marking as a shared_lane?
> >
> > I take it you meant:
> > Radfahrstreifen: cycleway=lane, cycleway:bicycle=designated
> > Schutzstreifen: cycleway=lane, cycleway:bicycle=yes
> >
> > That seems sensible, and follows all the existing semantics. What
> > "backward-compatibility" does it break?
> The cyclemap and velomap interpret cycleway=lane as the bicycle have
> to move on that lane. So its mandatory. But with the new tagging the
> useage is stated by cycleway:bicycle=designated|yes. And it is only
> implicit documented on the wiki. I will fix that if we come to a
> conclusion on this thread.
> >
> > The English is a bit unclear. "As shared_lane..." here means "Used the
> > same way as shared_lane". This seems like a pretty dumb tag:
> > cycleway=sharrow has exactly the same meaning and function as
> > cycleway=shared_lane except the marking on the ground happens to look
> > like a chevron.
> Hm, so should it be deleted from the wiki-page?
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