On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:20 AM, Johann Colombano-Rut <joh...@gotronic.fr>wrote:

> I have made a proposal for the key 
> "workshop"<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:workshop>.
> I think it would be very useful to tag various workshops, like Fab Labs, 
> Hackerspaces
> and such (I'm about to tag a bunch of them).
> The reason I ask around is that I'm fairly new to OMS and would use the
> right tag for my project of mapping FabLabs.

I like the idea, but think that we need to pick the best choice for tagging
hackerspaces and fab labs. Rather than workshop, I'd go with
leisure=hackerspace since there is already 143 (taginfo) nodes tagged.

Workshop has lite usage.  Values of car, bakery, motorcycle, Plapa_site,

An icon for rendering would be nice.


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