If you look at my entire message, I did point out that vertical clearance was 
an attribute of the ways, not the bridge.  How should the vertical clearance 
from the bridge to the water be tagged, and how do you tag what height of water 
was the reference point?  If the water level is high, there will be less room 
for watercraft to pass under the bridge.

Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On 06/giu/2013, at 23:55, "John F. Eldredge" <j...@jfeldredge.com>
>> the maximum clearance for vehicles passing under the bridge. The
>proposal mentions the first two, but not the third.
>in osm this is an attribute on the way(s) under the bridge, not of the
>bridge itself
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