For this discussion, it might be helpful to know what the Convention
on Road Signs and Signals says about the blue round cycle sign:

Sign D, 4 "COMPULSORY CYCLE TRACK" shall notify cyclists that the track
at the entrance to which it is placed is reserved for them, and shall notify
the drivers of other vehicles that they are not entitled to use that track.
Cyclists shall be required to use the track if the track is running along a
carriageway, footpath or track for riders on horseback and leading into the
same direction. However, drivers of mopeds shall also be required, in the
same conditions, to use the cycle track if domestic legislation so provides or
if notification of this requirement is given by an additional panel bearing
an inscription or the symbol of sign C, 3d.

All European countries have ratified this convention, except Iceland,
Ireland, Moldova, Spain, the United Kingdom, and some micro-nations.

-- Matthijs

On 29 November 2013 14:41, Pee Wee <> wrote:
> Sorry this was my firts proposal.
> Wikilink
> 2013/11/29 Pieren <>
>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Pee Wee <> wrote:
>> Probably a link to the wiki would help...
>> Pieren
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