Hi all,
  My cycletouring map, http://cycletour.org, has been slowly morphing into
a general topographic map[1]. One thing that's missing, though, is names
for topographic features like mountain ranges, spurs, and general areas.

Looking at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Category:En:Key:natural,
there seem to be some gaps.

- how do you tag a mountain range? That is, not a single ridge or mountain,
but a line of mountains, potentially hundreds or even thousands of
kilometres long
- how do you tag a spur? In Australia, many spurs are named, ("Champion
spur", "Son of a bitch spur"). natural=ridge perhaps?
- how do you name a generic geographic feature, like a cluster of rocks
("Mushroom rocks") or a vague features like "the blowhole", "something
hollow". The tags are all very specific and seem to imply the ability to
render it somehow other than using words. (I have ended up using
place=locality for some of these but it doesn't seem right.)

[1] See this area for instance: http://bit.ly/1gVmycD
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