2013/12/13 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:
> Am 13/dic/2013 um 13:37 schrieb Fabrizio Carrai <fabrizio.car...@gmail.com>:
> The final results is [1] a multypoligon the includes few components,
> including:
> A highway=pedestrian area, with black and white tiles marked as
> surface=paving_stones (that's the one with the terrace's balustrades)
> An acquarium [4]
> Grass areas
> A gazebo construction
> For this reason I would not mark it as "terrace" and definitively not
> "building".
> The multipolygon is fine, it just lacks tagging ;-)
> The only tags that characterize it right now are the name and Wikipedia tag,
> there is no osm tag to say what it is.

"highway=pedestrian area, with [...] surface=paving_stones" seems to
tag it pretty well to me.

Note that may be a translation issue. In english the word "terrace"
used in this context basically just refers to the pedestrian area...

> IMHO building would fit, what are the alternatives? man_made and historic,
> but historic would exclude similar constructions of recent make. Man_made is
> usually for more technical stuff, and in the past we used building even for
> ships (that don't move any more, with a restaurant inside).

building doesn't make sense to me. It is "built" in the sense of being
"man-made" or "architectural", but then so is a bridge, a fountain,

Perhaps you could say what _aspect_ of the terrace you consider is not
reflected in the tagging that Fabrizio describes? The photo you
originally linked to shows a large and decorative pedestrian area,
which is not difficult to map. The multipolygon collects together the
geographic features that people presumably think of when they think of
the name Terrazza Mascagni. So, if those things don't satisfy you,
there must be some additional _quality_ that you have in mind?


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