On 13 December 2013 19:37, Pee Wee <piewi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We want to thank all the contributors to this discussion.  We think  and
> hope we have enough information to work on  new proposal.

Thank you for not giving up, and for trying to improve the proposal.

I think many of the no-votes were the result of a lack of
understanding. Perhaps it would be good to find a couple of real-world
illustrations, and for each of them explain the legal situation, the
desired behaviour of the router, the current tagging situation, and
one (or more) proposed tagging schemes. Then you can show how the
current tagging does not allow desired routing in all cases, and how
proposed tagging schemes do or not not allow for a better routing.

One of the things I was not convinced about in the previous vote is
the legal situation of cycling on roads next to a compulsory cycleway
(in various jurisdictions), and in particular whether or not it is
legal to use the main road to make a turn. Perhaps you can try to
clarify this with reference to law texts, opinions of experts, and

-- Matthijs

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