On 03/01/14 19:56, Fernando Trebien wrote:
Well, when proposing this, I'm trying to avoid these problems:
- the set of paved and the set of unpaved surfaces is not closed, and
so it would require us to continuously update Carto with new surface

I'm a bit confused by what you mean by "carto" here. The tool itself just converts from a CartoCSS stylesheet (such as you can create/edit relatively easily with TileMill):


The stylesheet used for the OSM standard map is:


and for the HOT map is:


So there isn't just one "Carto" rendering. Also, there's not likely ever going to be "an agreement between everyone" about what sort of "suitability for X sort of traffic" is represented on the "standard" map. Personally I'd argue that the whole tracktype / path / footway / bridleway rendering area is "too complicated" now for lay users, rather than "not complicated enough". We've already had help questions on the lines of "what's that brown stain on the map":


So the answer surely has to be different rendered maps for different purposes - someone who's creating an MTB map can render the MTB tags, someone who's mapping an area where "smoothness" is used in a sane manner can map that, etc. If someone wants to come up with a big x-dimensional matrix that combines various tracktype / smoothness / mtb / whatever tags into a numeric value, they can do that too.

The good news is that it's actually easier than ever to do that now as osm2pgsql now supports external tag transformations using a lua script:



It's so easy that even someone like me (with less design expertise than the average three-year-old with a crayon) can do it to render other values instead of tracktype without changing the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet at all:


So if you think an extra tag makes sense ("trafficability" or something else), start using it locally, create a map using it, and ask people what they think.

Similarly, if you think that some numerical combination of existing or new tags to create a "new tracktype" would work, create a map using that.



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