It might be good to see if any of these ideas are in use, despite lack of

A couple potentially useful tags I noticed scanning through the list of
landuse=* values were
1) landuse=religious has 1100 uses
2) landuse=school and landuse=education both have hundreds of uses--might
be good to recommend one or the other?
3) landuse=leisure is used more often than landuse=recreation right now
(477 v. 62)
4) interestingly, landuse=institution is not used at all, but
landuse=institutional a bit (68 uses)

Among the other landuse=* values, there might be some ideas to pick up on,
or others which we'd like to avoid.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 3:38 AM, johnw <> wrote:

> On Mar 17, 2014, at 10:49 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <>
> wrote:
> 2014-03-16 23:11 GMT+01:00 Eugene Alvin Villar <>:
>> I'd like to clarify what I said before that landuse=civic_admin would be
>> useful. It would be useful for  tagging the only the compounds where
>> government offices are located (townhall, courthouse, etc.). I am not
>> suggesting that schools and hospitals would use the same
>> landuse=civic_admin tag.
> +1, I agree that we COULD have some new landuse values, there is a lot of
> stuff that isn't yet covered by
> the well introduced landuses, including:
> This is a great post of yours. It really got me thinking about solving
> this, and this civic_admin stuff.
> Just thinking while typing here. in hindsight, landuse=institution is
> really useful with a subtag after typing all this.
> About half of these tags can be covered with landuse=institution.
> churches and other religion related areas
> landuse=institution + institution= religion (or straight landuse=religion)
>  there are a lot of religious areas in Japan that have a really big area
> with a lot of little, unnamed buildings, gardens, event areas, and other
> stuff to go with the main shrines. Moreover, the shrines themselves have
> separate names - but the complex has it's own big famous name as well (Ex:
> Asakusa in Tokyo) - so a separate landuse for religion is a great tag.
> Also: we need to update the icons for the religions in -carto as well
> (there is no Japanese buddhist symbol, for example, and the shinto one is
> overly detailed compared to the others).
> theatres and cinemas,
> restaurants and nightclubs
> landuse=retail amenity=restaurant/cinema/discotek (sp)  *or*
> landuse=entertainment + entertainment=[type].
> also mixes into institution=arts_centre. To me the line is live people
> performance and commerical art (cinema)  is in entertainment, and exibition
> of cultural art (art gallery/ museum) is in institution, but I dunno.
> This overlaps into a lot of different tagging systems. Hopefully subtags
> can unify it without the need for retagging.  This is a messy problem.
> mixed use (like you'll find for instance in the centre of the typical
> european city)
> Shops downstairs, residential upstairs, right?
> landuse=urban_mixed_use  (as opposed to a mixed use business park
> [retail+commercial])
> courthouses
> Jails & Prisons too?  landuse=institution + institution=judicial The
> police side is mentioned below.
> parliaments and city counsels (and the levels in between) as well as
> supranational "decision making"
> Landuse=institution + institution=civic_assembly
>  it could cover everything from a city council to the UN building.
> institutions
> museums
> Landuse=institution + institution=museum / gallery / arts_centre *or*
>  tourism=museum or proposed  =art gallery / amenity=arts_centre ...
> hospitals and clinics
> landuse=institution + institution=medical (or, of course Landuse=medical),
> as opposed to hospital. would cover chiropractic clinics, pharmacies,
> dentists, orthodontists, maybe even veterinary. existing amenity= or shop=
> would would work fine, or use medical= subtag.  using the institution here
> here seems weak though.
> public administration (with and without public access)
> landuse=institution + institution=civic_office
> this would solve all my "civic_admin" troubles. could cover the white
> house down to townhalls and all the depts in between.
> It's brother would be landuse=institution institution=civic_service(s)?+
> existing amenity of choice,
> public services like police, fire, plow stations, (ambulance 'station'
> too?) border patrol, immigration, park ranger stations, customs areas, the
> fruit and vegetable check areas on the highways between states (in the US),
>  Some of these are privately operated, but it is "for the public good."
> universities and schools and colleges
> landuse=institution + institution=education (or straight
> Landuse=education). covers just about everything, from a preschool to
> driving school to flight school to Jukus (private tutoring schools - "cram
> schools" like kumon or EFL schools) - where we really wouldn't want it
> tagged as amenity=school (I don't think). education=[type] also a
> possibility. amenity=school, to me, always is k-12. College or university
> is higher ed, the remainder could fall into this tag.
> hotels etc.
> landuse=hospitality + hospitality=[type] or the amenity=[type], like
> beach_resort (or the missing ski_resort) this could cover anything from a
> hostel or motel to casino or disneyland's hotel area ringing the parks.
> There is a lot of hospitality things that are covered, but a few glaring
> omissions exist in amenity, like how to tag a skiing park - there is
> nothing to denote the actual landuse of the ski resort area (like there
> would be for a zoo, theme park, or other tourist attraction).
> Hospitality is the official name for the industry of hotels and such, so
> it seems a good fit.
> sports related areas
> landuse=recreation?
>  does this mean stadiums for professional exhibition, or like a
> sports_centre or a skateboard park?
> water supply and waste water treatment
> landuse=water_management. a tag for the off limits land around reservoirs?
> Where would "works" fall into this? or would it fall under utilities?
> (power / water / telephone / internet / garbage ) This is also a fuzzy
> idea.
> electricity production and distribution
> gas ...
> Landuse=energy (or power?) and can tie into the power=tag for all the
> myriad of power things.  They have really developed the power tag to cover
> many different things. May interfere with power=substation.
> ...
> until now, most of these simply got their specific tag to say what they
> are without any landuse. We will have to decide if this is sufficient or if
> and for what we'd like to have additional landuse values.
> I like the idea of broad landuses in conjunction with specific tags,
> either existing amenity tags or subtags for yet to be labeled things.
> I think there is just a few broad landuse tags to add, and several subtag
> values to consider.
> out of all these things,  =institution, =hospitality, and
>  =urban_mixed_use seem to be good landuse values. the others need some more
> hashing out.
> What should IMHO not be done is define something with the word
> "administration" in it for stuff that isn't administration (courts,
> parliaments and counsels, senates, etc.).
> I understand your concerns now.
> Landuse=institution with a subtag for it's types is really flexible.
> Javbw
> Cheers,
> Martin
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