2014-04-01 22:17 GMT+01:00 Tobias Knerr <o...@tobias-knerr.de>:
> On 01.04.2014 19:04, Andy Mabbett wrote:
>> I commend this proposal to the list:
>>    https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Wikidata
> I like Wikidata and therefore want to see this proposal approved. :)
> What I'm interested in, though: If an object exists both in Wikipedia
> and Wikidata, would you expect both tags to be used? Wikipedia links can
> be obtained from the Wikidata API for a given Wikidata ID and vice
> versa, so one of the two would suffice.

Long-term, it seems possible that wikidata might end up as the primary
way to make these cross-reference connections, but that depends on the
future evolution of both osm and of wikidata. Short- and medium-term,
existing wikipedia tagging is not going to be deprecated or
automatically replaced, services will probably continue to make use of
it, and it has some advantages (such as readability). I don't think we
should "expect" both to be used, but it should be no problem if both
are applied to a particular object.


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