I never said it was not possible to keep the nodes in the route relation.
There was no need to do this so far.

I don't have 2 relations for each route, I have N+1 for N routes. :-)

I just followed what people did before me. I just explain what we are
doing, don't shoot the messenger :-)

As said before, I don't care, I would happily use any tagging schema for
this. I'll also admit that your approach looks simpler right now. (until I
find the first exception that makes things more complex :-) )

 I'm just not going to translate your message in Dutch (French is probably
not needed) and German and tell the communities, "hey guys, you have been
tagging this wrong for the past 4 or 5 years"
So I fear that you overestimate the "power" of the tagging mailing list.
Why would it be enough that a handful of people, from outside the involved
communities, in mailing list in a foreign language decide that it's bad
tagging, that people will suddenly start tagging in a different way ?
Or that they would retag thousands of nodes and hundreds of relations ?

I can be wrong, but I don't believe that your messages here will have
sufficient impact to redo the whole thing.



On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Pieren <pier...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > right now the nodes are not placed in the route relation. Although some
> > older relations might contain them.
> Then you admit it is possible to keep the nodes in the route relation.
> Where now you have two relations instead of one just to avoid a tag
> "network:name". Don't tell me again it's to avoid a repetition of
> tags, we do this for many features in OSM. It's not for simplicity :
> the whole structure is more complicate to understand (more relations
> and different levels). Again, the real reason is to avoid a query in
> the database.
> > I think you will not find a lot of people in favor of changing the
> tagging
> > scheme for those networks, just because you don't like the network
> relation.
> > Anyway, if you want to change it, I propose you write a proposal with all
> > the required changes, and post them to the Belgian, Dutch and German
> mailing
> > lists and forums.
> I think this single list and the wiki, instead of ten local lists and
> forums, is more appropriate, no ?
> I don't have preconception about such relation, if someone find a
> valid argument/example which explains it's not using relations as
> categories.
> Pieren
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