Thanks for adding productivity to the conversation! 

> On Jul 22, 2014, at 1:53 PM, John Packer <> wrote:
> Friends,
> I've had this in my to-do list for a while, and the recent discussion about 
> min_age and age_group prompted me to bring attention to this issue.
> We should review the way kindergartens are being tagged.
> From what I have seen, one thing seems clear: there is demand for 
> differentiating between places where kids are simply taken care of, and 
> places where kids have basic education, but not at school level.
> First, some history I discovered looking in the wiki:
> * amenity=preschool[1] was proposed in the past to differentiate between 
> places where kids go learn things(preschool) and places where kids are simply 
> cared for (kindergarden). It was rejected in the voting process. (it has ~220 
> uses currently [2])
> * one alternative way of tagging a preschool would be to tag it as 
> amenity=school + isced:level=0, while kindergarten becomes simply the place 
> where kids are taken care of. One problem with this is that it seems an ISCED 
> level might not fit so well with all countries's education system (some 
> people mentioned it doesn't with Germany's [3]).
> * amenity=childcare [4] was proposed in the past to differentiate between 
> places where kids go learn  things(kindergarten) and places where kids are 
> simply cared for (childcare). It was rejected in the voting process. But 
> turns out that nowadays amenity=childcare is supported by the iD editor [5] 
> and consequently has around 1400 uses.
> My humble opinion is that Kindergarten seems to be defined as the place where 
> kids get some basic education [7], and it's probably used like that, so it 
> should remain that way (even if it may have some overlap with isced:level=0). 
> While amenity=childcare (that has already gained traction) should be 
> representative of the Day Care or Child Care [8].
> As far as I saw, amenity=childcare is simply an rejected feature according to 
> the wiki, and we should fix that.
> Cheers, 
> John
> [1]: 
> [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
> [5]: 
> [6]:
> [7]:
> [8]:
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